
Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Flu Bug

MaMa's down with the flu. It's been with her for what seem like a long time now. It's usually ok in the morning but as the day goes by, she starts to sneeze & that dripping nose is nasty.

She was in a foul mood this afternoon. She snapped at almost everything. After much "investigation", we found out that not only was she fighting the flu bug, she was fighting a terrible headache.

So there you go, no fun, no pictures, no nothing...

Till MaMa gets better, my life is gray.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Its getting a little outta control...

MaMa has to get a grip on herself. Her quest for shoes has gone a little gaga...

Last Saturday, she "so happen" to receive an sms from U.R.S saying they are on 10% storewide GSS discount + another 10% for members or UOB credit card holders. She inevitably had to "pop by" to "check it out". Her idea of checking things out is very different from others. She literally tried almost all the shoes. She claimed it was quiet and she was just trying to make the sales guys feel useful. After hanging out in the store for an hour, she finally walked out with 4, yes, not 1, not 2, not 3 but 4 pairs of shoes. I hope she's not expecting me to "accidentally" chew up 3 more pairs of her shoes by the end of the week and get away with it.

It doesn't end here. She is now checking out Birkenstocks as I'm typing this post! Seriously, how many pairs of sandals does one need?

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Cheers to Quick Thinking.

MaMa got a message from Bobbie's Mommy today saying there's sales everywhere. It's hard to resist the temptation. MaMa's advice is to hold off till the GSS (Great S'pore Sale).

Having said that, MaMa had her brain spinning at the speed of light for "excuses" to buy new shoes. Excuses are lame, she needs reasons, reasons why she needs to buy 3 new pairs of "standby" shoes for "just-in-case" situations. So, how do we move those shoes (still in the box) from the store room to the shoe rack? The shoe rack is full so we'll need to get rid of a few pairs. Its not right to be wasteful. We can't start throwing good stuff away just so we can get new ones?!

Here's the "win-win" plan that MaMa pitched to me. She'll "accidentally forget" to put her shoes away. Then I'll chew them while no one's home. The key is "no one's home" cos then I won't get a scolding. I can't get a scolding unless I'm caught in the act. I am not able to relate the scolding to chewing shoes! (ya, right)

Anyway, once my mission is accomplished, MaMa will give me a super huge treat as a reward. So, guess what they found when they got home...

Chew Chew Chew...

Check out the close up...

Ok, I gotta go now cos MaMa needs the laptop to check out new collections from Nine West.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I believe I can fly!!!

I'm sure this song is very familiar to most people. I took a liking to the song recently & I "feel" the lyrics...

I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky...

I've been practising, practising to take flight. Don't give me the sniggers nor the "roll eyeball". There's a saying, 'Where there is a will, there is a way' and it can't be more true.

After practising for the past 2 years, I think I'm ready. On my birthday, at Sentosa, it was the perfect opportunity.

Ready, get set, go...

I'm flying!!! Slightly... hehehe...
Ok Ok, I am bored & this is my attempt to be funny. I'm bored senseless. When will MaMa be back so we can go to the park?!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

New friends / old friends

Part 2 of my Sentosa trip...

I met some new friends as well as some old buddys. I'll start with my buddys...

Cav, my "childhood playmate". Or rather, I'm his childhood playmate. I was delighted to see him at Sentosa but, boy, did he turn a little "freaky" for me when he is wet! What happen to his fluffy "do"???

Then there was Bailey, another PRT. I met him once @ the West Coast Dog Run months ago. Love his ears...

Next, lets move on to new friends...

Sparky, a tough male beagle. Boy, I thought Lucky (another beagle friend) was big but Sparky! I hope he is not thinking of food right now!

Shoots, I think he's not too happy about being called 'big'...

Let's see, I think this one is named Gordon. Check out his collar. Isn't it cool?! Let's hope Gordon is not his owner's name!

Just as we're about to leave, a JRT came running to us. Check out the "rear wheel drive"...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me...

Yes, today is my birthday. We went to Sentosa this morning for some sun, sand & sea.

The weather was gorgeous. Fantastic light for photography (according to PaPa). PaPa went snapping away with his new lens while I got ready for my swim.

Yap, life vest is just to look cool. Don't doubt my swimming abilities. Since I'm so white, the orange vest gives a better contrast for photography & those bitches think I'm "hot"!!!

Rolling around in the sand. Menage a Trois?!

Told you I can swim without life vest.

When there's a birthday, there's a cake. Since Mikko's BD is just 2 days before me, we had our celebration together. Mikko's mommy was so sweet to wait for my actual day.The cake was yummy!!!

For more pictures, click on the link "Sentosa". Enjoy!!!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Biting the hand that feeds you?!

It was back to work for MaMa on 2nd May, Tue, after a nice break. I was expecting a smiling face when she finally returned home but it was a very forced one. I can tell, I just can. The goodness of the holiday was so short lived?!

The conversation between PaPa & MaMa suggested that MaMa had a pretty bad day.

It's been said that Dobermans bite the hand that feeds them. MaMa was bitten, yes, by a "bitch" (another word for female dog). That "bitch" went to her, tail wagging, and just as MaMa turned around, she lunged at her. Thank goodness, MaMa escaped with just a small scratch. From then on, MaMa could not look at that "bitch" the same way again. Who could expect a tail wagging "bitch" to turn so viscous.

Anyway, I'm glad I don't live in this "dog-eat-dog" world (pun intended). I'm glad MaMa still loves me as much. She loves me so much I got oxtail for my dinner today, despite Scuba's saga with his oxtail meal.

Here's my yummy oxtail...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I missed out!!!

After reading Herbie's post about their beach outting, I realised I missed out on some great fun. I have not gone to Sentosa for sometime now, I mean with a big group like this one.

I went to the beach on the 23rd with my other girl friends. I know, I know, I'm Casanova; what can I say... K, I'm sure at this point I should attach a picture of them...

Ladies & Gentleman, I present Mikki (left) & Mikko...

You may be wondering by now, where are the pictures of our Sentosa pix?! My PaPa didn't go with us so we'll have to rely on Mikki & Mikko for this task at hand...

Hmmm... Patience is my only word of advice...

Monday, May 01, 2006

Rude Guest

Finally, MaMa & PaPa are back from their trip. They picked me up from Bobbie's after dropping off their luggage. I was elated and I started jumping up & down to greet them. I was actually quite torn between staying @ Bobbie's & going home but of 'cos I chose to go back to my home sweet home.

MaMa found out from Bobbie's Daddy & Mommy that I was quite a rude guest. See, I am so use to sleeping on the bed at night and so I did the same @ Bobbie's. It must be a dog's thing to be so territorial over space. I was literally growling (soft growl la...) at Bobbie when he tries to jump up onto the bed too. I won't share the bed with other pets, period. Also, for some reason, I find it compelling to bark at the other human members in Bobbie's house (except his Daddy & Mommy). I blame it on the hormones, that time of the month maybe. (MaMa uses this excuse quite a lot when she yells @ PaPa)

Whatever it is, I was "told off" by MaMa after she return from her lunch with Bobbie's Daddy & Mommy...

For those of you who have watched SuperNanny on ArtCentral... Here I am in my "Naughty Corner"

Now that I've earned myself a bad name, I'm sure no one will take me in when MaMa & PaPa decide to holiday again. Does it mean that they won't go on holidays anymore?!! Yipee!!!

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