Vet & Vex
MaMa brought Kaylie to the vet last Saturday. They did a little skin scrape on 2 spots on her body. What we want to hear is all the mites are dead but unfortunately they found a couple of live ones. A couple of options were given but we are not gonna take the pill popping route for now. We'll give Kaylie some time to build up her immunity through proper supplements & food. Her next scrape will be in 2 weeks time so paws crossed peeps.
Anyway, MaMa & PaPa went out on their own on Sunday to the "hooman beach". It was indeed a gorgeous day...
They were out for about 3 hours before they head to the "pasah malam" (night market in Malay) where MaMa got really excited about some cute stickers...
So that was quite a boring weekend for Kaylie & I. We hope this coming weekend will be better.
Oh, I hope they bought some new stuff for you both after abandoning you two at home for more than three hours... hehe! I hope all those yuvky mites will die off Kaylie's skin. Stubborn mites!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
We are very sure Kaylie will get stronger and we hope those evil mites will be gone.
Boy n Baby
I'll keep paws crossed for better test results for little Kaylie next time. Be gone evil mites!
Oscar x
Poor Kaylie! I hope the next scraping will be mite-free!
Love ya lots,
Ah oh oh.... Kaylie Kaylie still has bad bad mites... Jaffaman is sad sad...
Me go out out and find find mite mites and eat eat them all up ok ok Kaylie??? Me want to make them dead-dead so you will be ok okay?
Jaffaman still like like Kaylie Kaylie ok ok??
STINKY licks,
Hey JaffeBoy, gee... why does STINKY think he can eat mites all the way over here and make Kaylie better? When will those babies start to think properly??
I hope Kaylie get better tho and I think she will!
Oh oh oh, and we got your package TODAY! Mum wants to wait until she got our camera fixed before letting me open.... (yup, she broke our camera yet again!) But I want to THANK YOU THANK YOU anyway for the package!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
I hope Kaylie's immure systems gets stronger. She's a brave doggie
~ girl girl