
Thursday, November 30, 2006

Only a few minutes...

Busy busy busy... Have been busy checking the letterbox and working on the Christmas card. We've now received about 10 cards & I must say they are all really nice. The more I look at the cards the more I can't decide on mine. Can't decide on the size; can't decide on the words...

Actually, the truth is, can't decide which picture to use!!!

Should I be wearing the antler?

Maybe Santa's hat?

Kaylie with her special collar...

Now it is unfair that I have to look like a goof while Kaylie gets to look pretty. I want the special collar...

The question remains, which one should I use????

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Under Pressure

We received 2 more CCs in the mailbox yesterday. The pressure of getting mine ready is getting to me. Maybe I should take a nap so I can feel rejuvenated to work on my card. Maybe I should go for a walk in the park for some inspiration. Maybe... Oh no, am I in denial? You folks are too quick on the CCs and the postman is ever so quick this time of the year. Chill everyone. How about mailing the cards out next week huh?!

Ok Ok, I'll get my lazy MaMa & PaPa to work on it pronto instead of getting all of you to delay the mailing.

Let's digress from the CCs a little. Last weekend, JuJu (my cat sister) decided to get a bird for breakfast. She spotted one just outside our window.
Just FYI, we are on the 13th (Yes, 13th) floor. I don't know about the rest of you but I'm afraid of heights. I almost got a heart attack when I saw her doing this...

I was so afriad she might fall so I called out to her. "JuJu, please come down. I'll give you all my salmon treats. I promise. You can have ALL (ya right) of it". With all my sacrifice, all she did was turn around & give me the look of annoyance. Like as if I'm interrupting her mission...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Brace, Brave & CC

MaMa is a brace girl. Yup; literally. She gathered her courage yesterday & went for her orthodontic appointment. So she is now a brave; brace girl.

***Warning*** The below pictures may cause distress

Her upper teeth had to be corrected first & hopefully 8 weeks later, the bottom brace will be on. She hasn't flash her million dollor smile much since yesterday. I hope she is just shy & not in pain.

Now, back to more exciting news!!! We got our first CC in the mail today!!! Won't tell you it's from who thou...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

All completed...

This afternoon was the very first time Kaylie got seperated from me. She was brought to the vet by MaMa & PaPa for her last puppy jab. She was asked to step up onto the weighing scale. About 4 weeks ago; at 3mths old, she weighed 2.7kg (6lbs). 4 weeks later, today, she is 4kg (8.8lbs)!!! MaMa was shocked & so was the vet. When I was 4mths old, I was only 3.55kg (7.8lbs). Although the vet said all puppies grow at different rate but I am still worried she will grow to be bigger than me!

A few of my friends had asked if Kaylie still eats laying down. YES, she does & I don't think she will ever change...

Monday, November 13, 2006

All in the prep...

We've been busy with preping for the Xmas Card Exchange. I was sent for grooming last week & thank goodness MaMa told the groomer I should still "look like a man". Without going into too much detail, I look the same except now you can see my eyes clearly. So we head out to the park on a bright sunny morning for some "trial" photo shoot.
According to my MaMa, it didn't go as smooth as she hoped. Just FYI, it was scorching hot & I could hardly open my eyes. What were we doing; sitting in the middle of the open field when the rest of the dogs were chilling under the shade?!

Anyway, I thought it is time now to update all of you on Kaylie's growth. What better way than to put the pictures side by side...

Yup, she's grown. Grown too much; too fast.

Cody's Diary

Dear friends,

Cody's parents had set up a blog site in memory of him.

Do visit when you have a moment. Leave a note too.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Unsupervised TV

I've always wondered what's so nice about that "one eyed monster". When it's on, PaPa will not be able to pull himself away from it. So, on a fine Thur evening I decided to sit around & watch Prison Break with him. Actually, I find this show quite informative. I'll tell you why.

See, since Kaylie's arrival, I've been "fenced up" together with her. At first it was just the gate, until I figured out how to break free. Then MaMa tried to put a bucket full of "weights" against the gate to make it difficult for me...
Mind you, the contents were about 6kg in total. I weigh about 7.5kg and I'm not an ant, what then can I do to break free?! Little did PaPa know, I've learned something from watching that episode...
Ta Da... Yes. It was moi who moved it single-handedly. That Kaylie, she just stood around & waited for the space to be big enough for her to squeeze through and she took off. Did she help by pushing the gate open from the outside?! NO! That bitch.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

In Loving Memory...

Cody, a rompy GR, was 10 days older than Kaylie. He came into Aunty E's, Uncle L's & Cav's lives some 7 weeks ago. He brought much joy & laughter to them. Unfortunately, he has left us for doggie heaven this evening.

The reason is still unknown. He was found laying very still on the ground & was foaming at the mouth. He was brought to the vet immediately & was warded into ICU. The vet managed to rule out Parvo virus; but, Cody was not stable enough for more blood tests. He slipped into a coma & eventually took his last breath. Aunty E (Cody's MaMa) called my MaMa earlier to tell her the devastating news. MaMa and Papa were shocked by the unexpected news. Mama didn't know what to say other than to express her deepest condolences for their loss.

A post mortem will be carried out by AVA, the result will be out in about 3 weeks. There are speculations of what could have happened. The vet is guessing Cody may have ingested some sort of poison. Mama will keep all posted if we get any more news.

I dug out a couple of pictures of Cody taken on Sun, 5th Nov. That Sunday was also the last time we saw him...

This was Cody playing "chase" with Kaylie...

He got a little tired & decided to lay down beside me for a breather...

He was very playful & MaMa always said he looked very cute when he bounced around in the park.

(for those who would like to share their "Cody moments", MaMa would love for you to send her email. She'll add them to this post as she receives them)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

I Graduated from Grade 1

Jaffe says my reward for passing my Grade 1 training is a chance to submit a post on his blog and here I am... I, but of course, want to share my achievement with every reader out there.

Jaffe says I'm the youngest graduate ever, in his Grade 1 class, and he is pweety pwoud of me. He should be 'cos it's a very tough course to go through.

This morning I took the test @ our usual hang out - the dog run. I first met my sparring candidate the PRT style...
The little cutie is Winter, a 5mth old male Westland Terrier.

For the test, I have to first "hunt down the prey".
I then have to "pin it down" and hold it while Jaffe inspects the "style & technique".
After I officially graduated, I thought I'll show MaMa my new move to impress her. I'm sure I'll get double the amount for dinner tonight!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Learning to play

Kaylie has grown up quite a bit. She is quite a terror at home. Not only does she eat my breakfast, she "attacks" me too!
I'm just Mr Nice, so I let her be. Not every dog is like me though. At the park, we meet dogs from all walks of life and finally it takes Promise, the Pomeranian, to set her straight.
