OD!!!... ER!!!
It all started on a lovely Sunday morning. We were all happily sleeping-in when PaPa decided it was "time" we got on with our day...
Here was me in bed, very comfy on PaPa's pillow...
Since I had to get up, I turned around to face MaMa & stared at her. Hoping my stare would wake her up...
A couple of weeks ago, MaMa's colleague brought back a very nice bottle of Pure Maple syrup. Guess what they had for breakfast? Yes, waffles with ice-cream, topped with maple syrup. Lots of maple syrup.
Before we knew it, we were in an OD situation. They had that for breakfast, lunch, tea-break, after dinner dessert & then supper. That very night, both MaMa & PaPa found it very difficult to fall asleep. They tossed & turned the whole night. I thought they had better be sent to ER. Before I could get them to the door, the sugar wore off & they were sleeping like babies again.
Most of you would say it was the sugar but I call it retribution for not sharing any of it with me!!!
Now, throw some strawberries on there next time.....
Your you-mans don't give you table treats? I have mine trained!
Bussie Kissies
I like to wake up my Mama too. I either lick her until she wakes up or I give her a swat with my paw.
Gotta keep our Mama's on their toes!