
Thursday, April 27, 2006

See You soon...

Off I go to Bobbie's for a few days. I'm all cleaned up; bathed & brushed (my teeth, that is. I don't do the "fur brushing" thing, I'm too man for that.)

I'm leaving behind my siblings & I know I'm gonna miss them. I bid them goodbye & Kayo is a little shocked to hear about my going away.

See, the thing is, although we fought everyday, deep down we love each other to bits. I'm sure she's gonna feel a little lost for the next few days. I would love to give her a hug & kiss but she says it's too much for her to handle. And so, we leave it as that. Just a simple "Cya later"...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Holiday Camp?

MaMa seems to be very busy these few days. She comes home late with tiny bags full of things to "test" on me. One of them was this thing called Rescue Remedy. It is suppose to calm me down should I feel anxious or stressed or "depressed". In short, it helps me keep my sanity.

Why would I feel any of the above? Here's the thing. MaMa & PaPa are going to Krabi this Friday for a long weekend getaway. I, on the other hand, will be @ Bobbie's during this May Day holiday. I've been to Bobbie's once, just for the day. This time round, its gonna be a 4D3N stay.
Check out this resort they will be at!

The thing is, although Bobbie & I are buddies, we sometimes play a little too rough for our own good. So out comes Rescue Remedy to calm me down so I can play nice.

I think the truth of the matter is, MaMa is afraid I'll feel anxious & stressed out cos it is my first time away from her for such a long period. PLEASE!!! I'm a grown up now, I'll be alright. That being the case, I'm still gonna act sad so MaMa can tell everyone I missed her while she was away.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

It is Happy Birthday again...

Today is Lolo's birthday. I must apologise 'cos I do not have a picture of her to show all of you.

Uncle J arrange for muffins & some biscuits for all who attended the mini party

Ok, I can explain about the muffin. It looked absolutely delicious before I sank my fangs in it. I managed to "steal it" from the table before MaMa could take a picture of it.

So, here's Happy Birthday to Lolo & thank you Uncle J for the delicious treats. Cheers....

Monday, April 17, 2006


The bad weather is giving me negative vibes. I'm feeling restless, anxious & somewhat agitated. I heard that Yoga will calm the mind & it's good for health too. Since I can't go out for exercise, I'll do Doga or some call it Ruff Yoga at home. Its all the same, I hope. It seems like Bloo's Mummy strongly recommends it to MaMa too, Doga, that is.

Since I'm such an intellect, I decided to surf through for related books. Surprise surprise, I found this one effortlessly...

After reading a few articles & looking at some pictures, I realised that I'm a natural at this Doga thing!!!

Here's what they call the "upavishta Konasana" pose:

Now, here's my version:
I'm actually "doga'ing" without my knowing it?! How strange?!

I do doga anywhere & everywhere. Not like some sissy dog with mattress and stuff.

I'll update with more when I finally reach Nirvana... Ohm....

Sunday, April 16, 2006

3 course meal...

Today is Jack's Birthday. The plan was to have a gathering at the Bishan Dog Run @ 6.30pm but unfortunately, the rain got the invitation by mistake. We missed out on the fooling around & enjoying our 3 course meal the "picnic" style.

Here's a picture of what the meal looks like:

It is absolutely delicious. Thank you Aunty G. Yummy Yummy Yummy... I gobbled it down in record time.

I wonder if MaMa can do better or at least the same for my BD?

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Writers' block

The wet weather these past days is causing writers' block, for me. What can I provide my audience with? There's hardly any action at the park 'cos of the wetness. Photography is something you don't think of when there's overcast or when it gets dark at like 6.30pm.

As family, we took this time to laminate, scan & put up last Sunday's article for your reading. It may appear very small on your screen so do save / download it to enlarge.

Now, today's weather was a little more pleasant. There were quite a few dogs at the park. We ran around like some deprived creatures. It was fun.

A few dogs "resurface" today. Remember Milo & Coco? Apparently Coco was on heat so the whole family had to stay away from the park, for almost a month.

Merli came to the park too. She is one of my many galfriends... hehehe...(Photo edited courtesy of Merli's PaPa.)

Monday, April 03, 2006

From Print to Action...

Talk about 3 minutes of fame. I think mine lasted a little longer than I expected. I never imagined a half page coverage on a Sunday Newspaper would bring about so many hits on my blog. Boy, all this attention & head turns... You think I can't handle it? Nah, in fact I'm used to it & I love it.

MaMa says we have to move on to bigger and better things. I'm thinking of moving "From Print to Action". Since I've been in papers a couple of times, I want to appear on the "one eye monster"
(MaMa: "for those of you who are wondering what Jaffe means, this is what we call the TV")

Now, what do I write in my CV... Hmmm...
1) I don't have any form of training.
2) I have no special skills.
3) I like to run around & play bite
4) I love food
5) I can sit very straight when begging for food (This is impressive eh?! Will make this my number 1 point during editing)

Attach herewith a picture for your kind perusal. (Yes, I'm the white one. I may look small but I am "big")
(for complete portfolio, pls contact my agent at

To all Producers & Directors out there. Should you need the "expertise" of a white spunky dog, look no further, I'm what you are looking for. I'm a natural. No "artificial enhancement" (See point 1 & 2), you can't tell I'm "acting" cos I don't even know what that is.

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