
Monday, March 27, 2006

I'm no bully... Really.

For those of you who read my last post, you must be thinking what a vicious dog I am. This is far from the truth. The pictures were taken by my PaPa. He takes good pictures, pictures of still objects. When it comes to moving objects, all I can say is "practice, practice, practice"

Now, you can't expect dogs to sit around & gossip or play cards; so we play bite. The pictures were a little over the top if you ask me. Zeno returned home in one piece, he "escaped" without a scratch.

And I do share my toys... (evidence attached)

See, ain't I nice???

That's 'cos I have something better... hehehe...

Sunday, March 26, 2006

I have visitor

Today I have a visitor. A little Jack Rascal Terror, oops I mean Jack Russell Terrier. I think MaMa & PaPa is trying to test out what it is like to have two rascals running around the house (the last I heard, PaPa is dying to get a sibling for me). And so, they volunteered to puppy sit Zeno for the day.

For a start, Zeno was shown the "toilet" facilities. It seems a little inhospitable to me. Whatever happened to "Would you like a drink or something to eat?"

After having "a word" with MaMa, she decided to take out my "chocolate" nylabone for Zeno. What she didn't realise is...

Jaffe doesn't share his toys...

Nor his treats!!!

After this, we decided on Tug-of-War...

and then we move on to play bite...
Doesn't it all look fun? Any puppy who is not interested in cats can apply...

If you can survive the above.

Disclaimer: No dogs are hurt during the process. All pictures are superimposed... ya, right!!!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Different dog, different fate...

By no means am I complaining about my life but I do feel ripped off, sometimes...

As you know by now, MaMa dries Organ treats & Tendons for me when she has time, today is one of those days!!!

Yipee!!! I waited patiently beside the white machine for the "moment of truth". This is the first time I see something so long...

Look at these tendons

Once in awhile I get bully sticks. I love them & I think it's the best 'cos I can chew on it for a long long time while MaMa is at work. I think the bully stick is about 6" - 8" depending on the "size" of the ahem... but check out how much longer these tendons are compared to the bully stick!

I'm determined to find out the actual length of these delicious looking tendons so out comes the measuring tape.
A whoping 10"

K, so why do I feel so ripped off??? MaMa said they are not for me!!! I'm not whining but "MY LIFE SUCKS!". I'm gonna go to my bed & sulk for the next 3 days.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


I was looking through the different picture folders in PaPa's desktop and found some really nice ones. Pictures of a very beautiful island call Maldives. MaMa & PaPa went there for their Honeymoon. Honey... yummy, I love honey... Oops, I'm thinking of food again.

After looking through the pictures, I feel like Honeymooning too. Let me show you some of the pictures & you will know why... Here we go...

When MaMa & PaPa walk in the front door, this is what awaits them...

Here's a look at the surrounding...

Path to the Gazebo...
Of sand & sea...

Check out the black tip baby shark & stingrays

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Party at the Beach

After waiting 40mins for a willing cab uncle to drive us to East Coast, we finally get to Party at the Beach.

Let me Mark the start of our day @ EC...

If you read my earlier post, U will know that MaMa loves to sign me up for contests at such events. So I was put to work again at some "obedient" Contest. We are expected to sit/stay for at least 1min.
Check out some of the serious contenders...

As for me, I can't focus on the task at hand. There are too many treats to collect & too many other dogs to meet...

As you guessed it, I didn't make it to even 15secs. Thank goodness MaMa didn't get mad with me although she must be embarassed with my "non-performance".

So, off we go to meet other dogs who are there at the event...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Possible new girlfriend...

I know you humans are thinking, hmmm.... girlfriend.... But no, not "girlfriend" girlfriend but rather a new female friend...

MaMa's colleague recently bought a Chocolate Labrador, her name is Kiah. She is now about 3 - 4mths old. Very cute girl. MaMa says I'll get to meet her sometime, hopefully soon. Will definitely ask MaMa to bring some of my treats to share with her. That's the best way to "break the ice"

Here's some pictures of Kiah; taken by her MaMa & PaPa when she first went home with them... Sleeping 24-7 like all puppies...
Stop staring at me... I'm still trying to catch up with my beauty sleep!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

A few more friends...

Hi all, its been a long time since I last blogged. To redeem myself, I'm gonna indulge you with quite a few pictures of my friends (whom I see during the weekends) and of course a couple of myself. So, here we go...

This is Bloo. He is so cute and just like me, he loves food.

This is Milo. Ever since he went for the "snippy" he's become quite "loveable". MaMa loves to hug him

This is Coco. She is Milo's sister. MaMa likes to call out to her. She ignores MaMa most of the time but now she's starting to show some "attention".

Now, this is Bobbie, my buddy. We love to spar at the park. We see each other almost every day. Sometimes, we "gang up" on new comers... hehehe...

This is of cos me. Nothing much, just chillin'.

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