
Saturday, December 31, 2005

New Year's Eve

Last day of 2005, I was left to my own devices... It may sound kinda sad but as the saying goes "There is a silver lining to be found in every cloud", my MaMa give me a treat each time they go out of the house.

MaMa came home from work then both her & Papa went out... (treat no.1)

They came home, pick up some wine from fridge & off they go again (treat no.2)

Then they came home again, took wine from the fridge & off MaMa went; without PaPa cos he's sound asleep (no treat this time cos supposedly PaPa is keeping me company???!!! - roll eyeballs)

Monday, December 26, 2005

3 Cs

I heard people chasing for the various Cs. From the initial 3 Cs (Credit Card, Car & Condo), now its been upgraded to god-knows-how-many Cs. As for me, its very simple, 3 Cs are all I need to get me through my life. I practise hard each day to sit, paw, down & roll over just for these 3 Cs (chews, cookies & cakes)

My MaMa buys these Roo sticks/tails for me to chew on while she is at work. Sometimes, some kind aunties & uncles will give me some milk raw hides. As a "cost cutting" exercise, MaMa decided to make her own chews!!! She goes to NTUC and buy beef tendons, trim away the fats & pop them in the drier. 15hrs later, wala....

I'll show you the final product just because the raw version doesn't seem very appetizing to me...

To be honest, I really don't mind what my MaMa is doing... She may not be a great chef (trust me, she is not) but when it comes to all this drying, she's superb... My next target will be cookies. I wonder what I should do so she will take baking classes... hmmmm...

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Its Christmas Day, finally!

I patiently wait for MaMa & PaPa to wake up. PaPa is sick so there's no way he will respond to my nudge. MaMa is equally bad cos she only went to bed at about 4am. Didn't she promise me presents first thing Christmas morning???

Finally, they woke up at about quarter pass 11. Feeling guilty, MaMa quickly take out my presents & lay them on the floor. Just as I'm about to make a dash for them, she stopped me?! Gosh, she wants pictures taken first before I can lay my paws on them!!! Argh... I don't care about pictures, I just want to mess around with them!!!

So here are the gifts I got from all the kind aunties & uncles & their little, well some not so little, pooches...
Here's me enjoying my first one...
K, I gotta go continue on the rest...

Saturday, December 24, 2005


I got myself into trouble today... While MaMa was at work, I managed to get hold of Scuba's Xmas present that she so nicely wrapped up. There were goodies inside & I decided to open it since breakfast was horrid (kibbles & not raw meat) & also I can't open any of my presents.

When MaMa saw the mess I made, she was not happy at all!!! She told me I won't be given a chance to rip the wrappers up myself, what's worse is that I'll have to wait till Xmas morning to get my presents & not after her midnight mass...

I'm sorry Scuba & MaMa, I promise I won't do it again... at least for the next 51 weeks... hehehehe....

Friday, December 23, 2005

The Pill

I hear MaMa's handphone beep... It is a special "reminder" beep. After checking her phone, MaMa reach for The Pill.

Yes, its my monthly heart worm prevention pill.
It may be a little weird but hey, if you haven't got your dinner, you will eat almost anything.
MaMa says I'm a good boy for eating the pill so out comes the dinner.
Yummy isn't it?! I love mealtime...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Truth be told

As Christmas is drawing close, MaMa decided to prepare some treats to hand out as little "presents"...

These treats that MaMa prepares are quite yummy; dehydrated liver, lungs & heart. Yah, it does sound ekkie to some but its absolutely to die for. So, the question is always "how do you make them?" & hence the title today - Truth be Told.

MaMa goes to the market, buy a whole lot of lamb/cow organs. Wash them & slice/cube them, lay them in this wonder white machine (I regard as my best friend) & about 15 - 18hrs later... wala...

Here's how the organs look on the trays...
First up, liver
Next, lungs

Ok, 9 hours so far. 6 more to go before I get to "test" the dryness... hehehe...

Monday, December 19, 2005

Today's special

Ladies & Gentlemen,

Much anticipated dinner for me today...

140g of Oxtail!!!

Its very yummy. Its so tender & juicy...
Ok, ignore the dirt on my face please. I just came back from the park. Had a wonderful time with my friend, Cav.

I don't have a picture of him yet. I promise to update when I lay my paws on a picture of him...

Tata for now... can't seem to fight the zzzz monster anymore...

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Its meal time

All the talks about www (weight, waist & waste), I think its about time I start "showing off" what I get for my meals. MaMa is quite good about "alternating my menu". One day I get lamb, one day I get chicken & some other day I get beef. As for today's special... (drum roll pls........)

What you see above, is my "cut down" version. I use to get double that size when I was still a puppy. I always hear MaMa say its to beef me up. Beef me up with Lamb???

Anyways, gotta go enjoy my meal. Will have PaPa take a couple of pictures to show me enjoying my dinner...

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Brush Teeth Time

After coming home from park, its time to shower yet again... I won't go into detail cos you can read from my earlier thread how irritating it is to me.

The next thing that comes after shower is "brush teeth time" I kind of enjoy it actually. A little wierd as I've heard my friends complaining about how torturous it is to them. I really like the minty flavor of my toothpaste. Like it so much that I actually got hold of it & chew it to bits while MaMa & PaPa are at work. So now, I get a electric toothbrush!!!
Here's how it looks...
Let the brushing begin...
Looks a little messy at first but it gets better as it progress...
I must tell you, I still prefer the good old traditional toothbrush. This electric one is a little freaky. It tickles my gums & I don't care too much for the noise it makes. Shooots, why did I ruin the good one I had... Yet another mistake in life...

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

PMS - I'm suffering from it too???

I overheard MaMa telling PaPa she's putting on weight. She suspects its due to PMS?! So during my boring time at home with my siblings, I started to think to myself, am I suffering from it too?

There's always discussion about my "waist" issue at the park and I'm putting on weight as time goes by. I think it is very likely that I am suffering in the hands of PMS (Pre/Post Meal Snacking)!!!

Look at me... Eyeing on my Big Bro's food
Stil not giving up...
When MaMa brought me out...
When everyone else is playing, here's me...

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Back to May '04

MaMa was at work the whole day on Saturday & I miss her so... When she finally got back at 11.30pm, she was so tired I didn't get to goof around with her.

Today was the same!!! She left me at home at 10am!!! There goes my precious weekend with her...

Feeling super bored, I decided to surf a little & look up some of my "old" pictures. Found some of my puppy pic which I thought will be nice to share with all of you, so here we go...

Now, if you remember earlier I memtion that my Bro was the preferred one, here's his puppy pic...
Super cute also right? But not very bright... hahaha... He was not as "well behaved" as me. He started barking at the Cats (my siblings now) He even went chasing them to the bedroom. I was following behind. Curious & dying to hunt them down too, but I stopped myself. Instead I "pretended" to be slightly afraid of them while I displayed a little of my "terrier nature". How can MaMa not picked me cos of my "personality"...
