It was the perfect Weather, Walkies & Water. Simply wonderful.
The temperature on 25th May was just perfect. It ranges from 20c - 22c. The sky was blue & there was hardly any clouds. It was the start of Pedestrain Sundays to Kensington Market so guess what we did on this perfect day?!
We started our walk towards Kensington Market after our breakie. It must have taken us about 1.5hrs walking there but it was fun. Lotsa sniffing, marking, picking up junk from the ground.
ChinaTown on Spadina was on the way so MaMa took a quick picture while we were waiting for the lights...
2 blocks down & we were at Kensington Market...
We were just loving it & so does PaPa & MaMa...
We then took a street car down to The Beaches!!!
The number of people at The Beaches was just over the top but I don't blame them.
PaPa said it's water from the lake so we can drink from it, boy were we glad...
By the time we were home, our legs were like marshmallow...
It does look like a wonderful day! Looks like you dogs had a fun time. The water looks really clean & clear! Bet it tastes sooo good too. Refreshing!
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
What a great day. It is so nice to see you all so happy ! Enjoy your new life !
Kisses, Faya
Nice day at the beach.
Wow that look like alot of fun!! They are not too keen on dogs in the train here. That is why Canada is so cool!! Love A+A
what a wonderful day!!
Hey Jaffe and Kaylie, oh you doggies are in such a nice place. The beach looks pawsome..
~ Girl girl
What a great day you had! We would have been all over the vege stand! yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, wow canada is so cool..... we can not get onto the MRT in Singapore. Singapore is lousy....sad sad.
Billie Jean
I've missed you
It seems we nevew have enough time to see all y fwiendz...you'we looking gweat! that watew must have been fun fow you and Kaylie..it looks vewy pwetty
smoochie kisses
I bet you slept well that night didn't you?!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Hi Hi My Kaylie Kaylie Girl and Jaffe,
I'm glad to see you spending so much quality time with your Ma and Pa. You are really going to some nice places and the lake looks sooo inviting! Wish i could have conquered it with you!
Haven't been to the park lately. It has been boring there anyway. No chemistry with the other doggies there. There is only 1 yooooou!!!
Lick Lick Lick,
and Bond
Happy very belated barkday, Jaffe Boy! Sorry.... we're SO late to come by.
We're glad that you're very settled in Toronto. We hope our weather will be much better. Did you get a chance to go to woofstock? We went there very late on Sunday. My pawrents have been busy (just like your mama & papa) but We should really get together this summer!!
Momo & Pinot
HOw are things going for you in Toronto? I am sorry that we were not in touch sooner otherwise we could have met up on Saturday too with Momo and her pawrents!
Great day out for you all.
Greetings from www.wuffstuff.com, the social network for dog owners and dog lovers.
We're looking for members with quality dogs and 'tails' to add stuff to our site.
Hope you have time to have a look at us.
What a dog life!! running on the beach!! Cool !!
I love long walks! Toronto looks like a very nice place to live. And they allow dogs on the street cars? That's so cool!