Cash & "Carry"
Hi there, it's been awhile since I last posted. Ma was kept very busy with work & our move. Now that she's finished work she's got time to get the packing organised. I must say I'm getting very "edgy" with all the noise & stuff moving around. Gotta get back to doing Dogga again to stay calm.
Anyway, Ma took pictures of some items that she wants to sell; so please feel free to "browse" through. Prices are on the pictures. Leave Ma your contact on her email @ if you want to put your paws on any of them. Act fast 'cos she may throw in some "freebies" for early birds! So here we go...
OMdoG! Everything is going cheap! What a bargain I must say. I think my hoomans wouldn't mind buying that big flat screen television...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
What a great salesman you are, Jaffe! Thank goodness your mom has you to help her out while she's so busy!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
you got lucky, none of your toys are for sale.
Just make sure you don't get a for sale sticker stuck on you by mistake!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Hiya Jaffe!
I like the iron on you have on your lifevest. Do you know where my mummy can get one to stick on mine? Hee...hee...
If your mama is selling books, does she have one with the title "Give The Dog a Bone". She's thinking of starting me on a barf diet and since you guys are on it, your mama may have access to this book.
Happy packing!