Sale Sale Sale...
Hey there, we got quite a good response for the items put on sale. We hope all of you will continue to pop in here periodically for new items posted. Ma is adding items or group of items as she packs.
From the last post, we still have the 1) DVD player with TV console, 2)Crocery set, 3)Crystal Wine Glasses, 4)Denon audio set
Today, it's Ma's dresser... She is sad 'cos she will miss her great BIG mirror...
I think next will be books...
Hey, Jaffe Boy!
So, when is the big MOVE DAY? I know it will actually be like a moving week for you guys with all the travel, but when is it?
We here in GooberStan are thinking of you and your mama and Kaylie Girl trying to get ready. It must be busy there. Be extra good to your mama please, and give her a few juicy goober smooches from me & Stella.
Goob love,
I see you guys are getting everything ready to move.
Hey there JAffe!
Didn't know you were moving, anyways, hope you like Canada better!
Jaffe and Kaylie!!
So sorry for not being able to visit you for a while. So you'll move to T.O. in a few days?!?!? This is a great timing since all the snow is gone and spring is finally arrived!! :)
Have a safe flight and we're looking forward to hearing more update about your big move!!
Momo & Pinot