
Sunday, October 29, 2006

Another day gone by...

It was yet another lazy Sunday gone by... Kaylie, who couldn't be any lazier, took her time to finish her food.

After which she went running to the door & asked to go for a walk.

It was a gorgeous morning & we were glad we live on a tropical island, except for the ocassional rain...


At Mon Oct 30, 10:10:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey jaffe, kaylie is such an adorable sister! you think she will start blogging like you too?

wet wet licks


At Mon Oct 30, 02:03:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Freda said...

Hey Jaffe,

Freda here. Just wanted to sniff around and bark 'Congrats' on winnin' Photo of the Month at DWB. That's sooo cooools!

I'm goin' away tomorrow but I want to sniff around your place when I get back.


At Mon Oct 30, 02:37:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jaffe, your little sister is growing up so fast, she almost look like a young adult now! Still SOOO adorable tho. Are you guys playing a lot now??

At Mon Oct 30, 03:55:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Fu Fu said...

Oh Kaylie look so happy to be out. :)

~ fufu

At Mon Oct 30, 04:57:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Scuba the Muscle Boy said...

Hi Jaffe

Ocassional rain!! - it seem to be raining heavily everyday at 4pm

If we don't have the rain, we have the haze BIG SIGH

I feel I havent seen you and your sis for a long time. Not sure if mom will bring me to the park this evening (hopefully it does not rain). If she don't, I will see you guys next week coz she is going to Beijing tomorrow morning.

At Mon Oct 30, 06:59:00 pm GMT+8, Blogger Jay said...

Wow... Kaylie is growing up so quickly!


At Tue Oct 31, 01:07:00 am GMT+8, Blogger fee said...

o, kaylie is so cute! i hope to see her at the dog run one day soon! i just love little persons. :)


At Tue Oct 31, 02:08:00 am GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree, life in the subtropics is the best. Nice walkies everyday! We get rain every afternoon during rainy season too!

Bussie Kissies

At Tue Oct 31, 12:59:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kaylie is growing fast jaffe!!! she looked really tiny when we first saw her pic!

p.s. soon, she'll be bugging you to let her use the computer to blog too!! hee hee!

At Wed Nov 01, 11:08:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Chelsea said...

Kaylie sure is a pretty girl. A little supermodel in the making I'd say.

And it takes one to know one..


At Thu Nov 02, 10:43:00 am GMT+8, Blogger Fu Fu said...

Hi Jaffe, Please join us for the Spore Dloggers X'mas Party.
More details can be found on Jay's blog.

~ fufu

At Thu Nov 02, 11:24:00 pm GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am asking for you to help me for the month of November!

I have made the NABLOPOMO pledge and have committed to a new blog post every day for the month of November.

Can you guys come visit my blog every day this month and keep me going?

Just leave a comment and let me know you were there!

Bussie Kissies


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