
Monday, January 30, 2006

2nd day of CNY

I love holidays. Especially when PaPa & MaMa are both at home. I get company & also sleeping in late. Its a great day. Waking up only at 11.30am & going for a walk after breakfast. PaPa, for no rhyme or reason, decided to take pictures of me running around in the sun. I'm gonna indulge all of you with pictures after pictures. Now, some of them are a little "out of focus" but that's not the point. Its about how much fun I had... So, here we go...

Taking a break now...

Ok, that's all folks. We're off to a sumptuous lobster feast... Later, alligator.

Sunday, January 29, 2006


Let me start with wishing everyone "Wang Wang Wang". They all say its my year & so long as I bark away, it will bring prosperity to the household. I'm a little confused cos its always frowned upon when I bark unnecessarily but from today onwards its perfectly fine, infact encouraged. Oh well, as long as I get a treat each time I do that, I don't mind at all.

Now, to prepare for this festivity, MaMa went for a hair cut. She believes it will bring about a change for better luck. So, as you guessed it, I also went under the scissors. If U saw me, U will agree that I needed some "major work"

Here's me, before...

After some 4 pain shrieking hours, here's me now...

Ok folks, I'm off to collect "ang pao" now. Once agian, Wang Wang Wang everyone...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Just Brilliant

For those who don't know much about me, I'm brilliant. Yap, I know all about the humble pie cr** but still, I'm brilliant.

It is all about starting early.

When I was still a puppy, MaMa always wondered how she can "stimulate" my brains while she's away at work. So she consulted the all time "full of ideas & just as brilliant" Aunty G. It all started with a cookie "wrapped" loosely in between some baby towels. Then it got to the well-known Kong. The latest collection, actually its a few months old now, a "peekaboo treat dispenser". See below picture:

First I'll have to uncover the "hole" so I can topple the "dispenser" for the treats to fall out. Getting the cover open is not that difficult but its still a waste of my precious time. So finally I've decided to do it! I shall eliminate the problem by removing the cover altogether. *pause, think, pace around the house,think* But how can it be done without getting a scolding from MaMa? *pause, think, pace around the house, think* From previous encounters, all I get is just some loud & angry "NO!" "Very Naughty!". I think I can handle that... Its worth it. Its worth almost anything when it comes to getting anything edible quickly. And so, here's the result of my doing...

Paws crossed, I await MaMa's return from work. I hope she doesn't react too "violently" & also the dispenser cover is out for good. As luck should have it, MaMa praise me for being so smart. She even brag about it to PaPa. After the good news, comes the bad news. MaMa manage to put the cover on again. D***, unbelievably lousy luck!!!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Head shots

I'm sure alot of you have heard or seen The Dog collection. The accessories are of dog's figurine, mostly with super big head & a tiny body. Most of them are very kawaii (its a Japanese franchise). Searching high & low, my MaMa couldn't lay her hands on one that is of a Parson Russell Terrier; and so, she decided to take the matter into her own hands.

She took out the camera & attempted a few head shots of me.

This one makes me look so out of proportion!

This one makes me look like a hamster!
This is from The Dog, a Westie. Spot the difference.

I personally prefer a normal shot.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

One month's time...

Its the 17th of Jan today. In exactly a month, we will see the end of SKC running the Bishan Dog Run. I don't quite understand why this is happening but I am praying that it will still be a nice place to hang out with my friends.

Lets just say it will remain open to the public like the one at West Coast, will it still be "safe" for rascal like me to meet new friends?
Will I still be able to conduct my "commando" classes...
Without getting chewed up by onlooker?

Disclaimer: I am not promoting aggression. The GR in the picture is one of many "graduates" from my class. The above picture was taken during one of our sparring classes. No pets are hurt during this program.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sun, Sun & more Sun

Yes, finally the sky decided to clear up for the weekend. Imagine a nice sunny side up on a sunny sunday?

The above, is not even clooose to what was served on MY breakfast table. All I had was good 'ol morning kibbles. Its ok though 'cos I'm getting beef cubes for dinner.

Let me share what reminds me of sunny weekends. There's much running around, playing chase with friends & just soaking up the sun.

This is Woofy, my best friend (ok, not to offend my other friends, One of my many best friends), I get to see him only on some weekends. I love to "bully" him...

So much fun... I love the outdoors, so please stay this way.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

These 3 things

This thing called Fate. People blame it. This other thing called Best of Both Worlds. People try their luck to get it. This last thing called Count Your Blessings. There's hardly anyone doing it. Yep... Sounds like heavy stuff; but hey, blame the downpour. You can't expect me to "grow up" and just keep writing about silly stuff. I'm fortunate to be able to blog.

In my earlier post I mention about my food running low. Today, it has reached a critical level. I'm down to the last pack of meat. I was hoping it wouldn't rain on the weekend so MaMa can go to the market to pick up some meat for me.

Finally today, on Hari Raya Haji, the sky decided to give us all a break. A small one at that. MaMa hurry to the market & got a whole chicken & a whole duck for my meals. It should last me for close to 3 weeks. You would think I am absolutely elated but why can't it stop raining a couple of days earlier? It is Hari Raya Haji, the butcher for beef & mutton is off!!! Variety, I want more variety!!!

As much as I whine, I should be grateful that MaMa managed to get me fresh food in time.

Killing time while waiting for MaMa's return...

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Narrow escape

It is yet another rainy day. MaMa was at work & PaPa was in the study room doing his stuff. So I decided to take a nap, as usual, especially on this very cool afternoon. As you can read from my profile, I have a few siblings. One of them, Kayo (her name derives from KO which is "knock out"), just like her name she KO on the couch.

For the record, she hates me and I really don't know why. I try to initiate play everyday but she just doesn't care too much for that.

K, back to "narrow escape". I decided to nap on the couch with her. The thing is, we are not allowed on the couch and if she's on it without the "finger wagging" from PaPa then I deserve the same privilege. We were napping peacefully for less than half an hour when PaPa sneak in on us to steal a shot or 2...

Now; you would think my narrow escape is about not getting the punishment from PaPa but its far from that. The narrow escape was from my siblings...

she just realised I am on the couch with her....

Oh no, I better run before she "attacks" me

Phew, safe from scratches... Ok, moving on, when and what's for dinner???

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Will life be the same again?

After being warded for 18hrs, MaMa's laptop was discharged. That is, of course, after paying 136.50 smackaroos. Now, this is the time when I wish she can use MediSave to pay for it.

I got a little worried when MaMa started counting the number of meals (fresh meat) I've got left in the fridge. She then started to count the days. The worst part came when she ask herself out loud if she should go to the market this weekend or should she wait till the next, since its her alternate Saturday off.

I know for a fact that she doesn't care if its her Saturday off or not. She will go to the market before my meat runs out. So, what does all this mean? What does this leave me with???

If I don't get meat, this will be me...

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Laptop + Champagne = Fried

Just as we were talking about a fantastic year ahead, something not so fantastic happened...

As nice as Moet & Chandon is, laptops do not appreciate them. Infact, any fluid is harmful to them.

MaMa accidentally spilled some champagne on her beloved laptop & it suffered a cardiac arrest. After resucitation, it managed to boot up but unfortunately the keyboard is now paralysed. MaMa has since called the emergency unit & was told it needs to be hospitalised. Poor laptop will be warded on the 3rd of Jan.

PaPa almost got into "trouble" when he ask MaMa "How did it happen?" & commented that "It is pretty irresponsible of you". My advice is to stay away from the topic & pray that the laptop will be ok after some minor cosmetic surgery.

Happy 2006 to all, salut.

It is a brand new year! May all resolutions be fulfilled & all wishes come through. MaMa & PaPa say we will have to "salut" with the finest so here we go...Right, it has got to be Moet & Chandon (MaMa & PaPa's personal favourite)Look at the bubbles.

I got lucky with a lap or two also...

Well, lets hope 2006 is gonna be a fantastic year for all. More goodies & toys for the pets. Good health & wealth to all living creatures.

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