For those who don't know much about me, I'm brilliant. Yap, I know all about the humble pie cr** but still, I'm brilliant.
It is all about starting early.
When I was still a puppy, MaMa always wondered how she can "stimulate" my brains while she's away at work. So she consulted the all time "full of ideas & just as brilliant" Aunty G. It all started with a cookie "wrapped" loosely in between some baby towels. Then it got to the well-known Kong. The latest collection, actually its a few months old now, a "peekaboo treat dispenser". See below picture:

First I'll have to uncover the "hole" so I can topple the "dispenser" for the treats to fall out. Getting the cover open is not that difficult but its still a waste of my precious time. So finally I've decided to do it! I shall eliminate the problem by removing the cover altogether. *pause, think, pace around the house,think* But how can it be done without getting a scolding from MaMa? *pause, think, pace around the house, think* From previous encounters, all I get is just some loud & angry "NO!" "Very Naughty!". I think I can handle that... Its worth it. Its worth almost anything when it comes to getting anything edible quickly. And so, here's the result of my doing...

Paws crossed, I await MaMa's return from work. I hope she doesn't react too "violently" & also the dispenser cover is out for good. As luck should have it, MaMa praise me for being so smart. She even brag about it to PaPa. After the good news, comes the bad news. MaMa manage to put the cover on again. D***, unbelievably lousy luck!!!