
Friday, April 25, 2008

Au Revoir Sentosa...

Hey pals, sorry for the non update for the longest time. We are all very busy with the move. From packing up, closing down, jabs & health checks. I think we are almost done now.

MaMa & PaPa promised to bring us to Sentosa for the very last time on Sun 27th April. To all my Singapore doggie friends, do come on down & hang out with us. If the weather permits, we should be there by 10am.

To my "new" Canadian (Toronto) doggie friends, I sure look forward to finally meeting you "nose to butt"...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sale Sale Sale...

Hey there, we got quite a good response for the items put on sale. We hope all of you will continue to pop in here periodically for new items posted. Ma is adding items or group of items as she packs.

From the last post, we still have the 1) DVD player with TV console, 2)Crocery set, 3)Crystal Wine Glasses, 4)Denon audio set

Today, it's Ma's dresser... She is sad 'cos she will miss her great BIG mirror...

I think next will be books...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Cash & "Carry"

Hi there, it's been awhile since I last posted. Ma was kept very busy with work & our move. Now that she's finished work she's got time to get the packing organised. I must say I'm getting very "edgy" with all the noise & stuff moving around. Gotta get back to doing Dogga again to stay calm.
Anyway, Ma took pictures of some items that she wants to sell; so please feel free to "browse" through. Prices are on the pictures. Leave Ma your contact on her email @ if you want to put your paws on any of them. Act fast 'cos she may throw in some "freebies" for early birds! So here we go...
