So much activities...
Yup, there had been so much activities at home but none involved me nor Kaylie!
There were wrapping of pressies (none of them mine; according to MaMa), hair trimming & coloring (which I'm glad I'm not involved in), facials (whatever that is), spas (I'd like that), Mani & Pedi (whatever happen to a 2hr run on all fours)
Anyway, MaMa came home one day with tonnes of wrappers; a head of red streaky hair on another; creamy tasting face & body on the 3rd & today she asked us to STAY AWAY from her paws!
What's with her paws you may ask. This is her big deal...
Thank goodness we don't have to worry about these kinds of things, huh Jaffe!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wow, nice painted nails! I'm glad there's no such thing for doggies coz I would suffer a LOT!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Your mama's toenails are masterpieces... real works of art. I can see why she's afraid to have you guys walk on them or try to lick the perty flowers off.
Goober love & smooches,
G'day Jaffe,
Nice body art on your mum!
Happy Pawlidays! Asta down under
Wooo! Look at those nails. Pretty cool, but I agree with the other pups and are glad we don't have to get that paint on us. Ohhh, your mom's body art looks cool! She needs to show us the entire piece :)
Everything match, nice!
Merry Christmas Jaffee boy!
Chelsea the supermodel
Jaffe and Kaylie
Those awe vewy nice paws youw Mom has ..but I still think youws and Kaylie's awe nicew and she should have spent all that time playing with you ow shopping fow you hehehe
hope you and youw whole family have a vewy Mewwy Chwissmuss
love and smoochie kisses
merry christmas, jaffe and kaylie dearies! may the day be filled with love, peace and much feasting for you and your family!
Merry Christmas to Jaffe and Kaylie! Cheers!
I've gotta say your human has some pretty spectacular looking claws - the designs look amazing!
Very pretty. Ma tells me she always used to have her nails done like that but the lady that did them has just moved back home to America, and ma said no-one else will ever do them as well.
A very happy Christmas to you!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
I wish everyone a nice Christmas!
Wow Mama is all festive.. She must have a big party to go to. Hopefully you will be able to go with!!
Merry Christmas...Gus and Louie
Your moms paws looks bootiful!
Merry Christmas Jaffe & Kaylie and to your family at home!
Boy n Baby
He he he, great paws!!
Your pal,