
Sunday, September 30, 2007

New toy...

Yup U heard right. We've got new toy! However, this toy is not really for Kaylie nor me. It's more for Mama.

See, she has been whining about not being able to take pictures of us wherever & whenever she wants. PaPa's Canon SLR is just to chunky for her & it is not waterproof. So Papa took Mama out on a little shopping tour to get her very own waterproof; "point-shoot" camera. And here it is...

For those who want to read about it, google Olympus 790SW

MaMa still couldn't figure out the waterproof part but we'll definitely be bringing it out rain or shine. We'll post pictures from the camera soon.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

On guard duty...

We hadn't been doing much lately since PaPa got the Conjuntivitis bug. He is finally recovering but poor MaMa got it a few days ago. This thing is nasty! MaMa said no licking the face & no snuggling up. It sucked, big time.

MaMa felt so bad for Kaylie & me, she decided it was time to make us some treats. She loves to dehydrate liver, lungs, heart & sometimes yummy fishy. So we woke up early Saturday morning & headed off to the market!!!

We got home by noon & MaMa layed the "parts" onto the tray then straight onto the dehydrater aka "best friend"...
Ok, there are 3 different things you see here. The pale yellow one is the mutton tripe. The almost black one is mutton heart & the other one is mutton lungs. They are the yummiest!!!

Next, MaMa threw some of the liver on the tray...
They smell delish! It gives off a very milky smell throughout the drying process.

Kaylie & I were very busy guarding & checking the drying process...

Let me tell you, it wasn't easy since the drying process takes up to 18hrs. The liver is always the hardest to dry.

Ok, I gotta go now cos MaMa is about to "harvest" the 2nd batch. This time it's beef lungs. Ciao for now!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I know, I know. It's been awhile since I barked. No need to go into any detail, I blame it on MaMa; period.

She, my friends, had crossed the line. Not only was she not helpful with my blog; she decided to give me a "stripping". As if that wasn't bad enough, she wanted me to "smile" for the camera after all was done. Apawling, I call it.

So, after 20mins of hair pulling agony, this was what she got off me.

Not much, some of you might say. I thank Dog that MaMa likes me to look a little "messy" so she doesn't "over do it"...
And of course the "smile for the camera now"...
Silly Kaylie decided to "smile for the camera" too. (I smile for Jaffa Jaffa!!! See I happy happy now, Jaffa Jaffa.)

She had on this pathetic look when MaMa said it will be her turn for hair pulling soon.
Then for no rhyme or reason, she started to "attack" me!

Jaffa, would you like to take her in NOW?!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Run Run Run again

The whole family (except my kittie sisters) went on the DASH yesterday. It was fun fun fun. Again we didn't have a camera with us 'cos it has been raining quite a bit recently. Not only did it not rain on our run, it was pretty hot. I was so thirsty that I drank the STINKY water from the drain! Yuks, I know but wait till you hear what MaMa drank from.

Anyway, after an hour of great run we were treated to some carrots, cucumber & celery. MaMa said it's good for us. I thought a steak at that point was more appropriate! We then headed home after the hoomans chatted & snacked.

So this was me after the run...
And Kaylie...
I didn't think we looked dirty AT ALL but noooooo, MaMa said we were in some really filthy water so we had to take a shower before we were allowed on the bed for a nap. Did I mention I HATE BATHs?! Let me say it.... I HATE BATHs!!!
After 15mins of torture...

Seriously, I didn't think we were any cleaner. Infact, we felt worse than before the bath... humiliating...

Speaking of humiliation, I got a good one to tell. See, after the DASH, the hoomans had a "circle meeting". They get "charged" for anything under the sun & they will have to drink some beer out of a dog bowl. So someone, Kingsley's Ma to be exact, spotted MaMa with her spankin new Nike Air Assail IV before the run started. MaMa didn't have time to "characterise" the sneakers before the DASH!!! BIG MISTAKE. So at the "circle meeting" MaMa had to drink beer out of her shoe!!! She was given a choice of drinking from her shoe or through her sock. Which would you choose?! Let me show you the condition of the shoes after the run...

Did someone say drinking from drain was disgusting?
