
Monday, August 28, 2006

Illegal gathering???

The terrors, I mean terriers, had conspired to meet. It happened last Sun, 27th Aug. At about 11.30am, all the "members" turned up at West Coast Dog Run.

Let me introduce you to the members starting from the youngest.

First up, Fever aka Magic-Fever...
Next up, Mango aka Mango hehehe...
We also had Mango's "partner", Party aka actually no aka...(I have to appologise on behalf of my PaPa for failing to take any good shot of you) & yes, members of the public, Party is not the one with the head down!
Of course there was me.

This meeting was to review the appropriate response to friends...

and foe...(Thanks Mango & Fee for the demo. Best mother & daughter team)

BTW, we had Lashes the long hair Dachshund
with us to distract "officials" from our otherwise high profile gathering...

Friday, August 25, 2006

OD!!!... ER!!!

It all started on a lovely Sunday morning. We were all happily sleeping-in when PaPa decided it was "time" we got on with our day...

Here was me in bed, very comfy on PaPa's pillow...

Since I had to get up, I turned around to face MaMa & stared at her. Hoping my stare would wake her up...

A couple of weeks ago, MaMa's colleague brought back a very nice bottle of Pure Maple syrup. Guess what they had for breakfast? Yes, waffles with ice-cream, topped with maple syrup. Lots of maple syrup.

Before we knew it, we were in an OD situation. They had that for breakfast, lunch, tea-break, after dinner dessert & then supper. That very night, both MaMa & PaPa found it very difficult to fall asleep. They tossed & turned the whole night. I thought they had better be sent to ER. Before I could get them to the door, the sugar wore off & they were sleeping like babies again.

Most of you would say it was the sugar but I call it retribution for not sharing any of it with me!!!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

All about cats...

My life is surrounded by cats... Cats; literally & figuratively, big & small...

As most of you know, my siblings are cats - literally. Figuratively, I've got MaMa, Aunty V, Aunty R, Tommy, Joey & one of MaMa's boss' kids... Why figuratively? They are born under the sign - Leo. Boy; are this group of "animals" catty. You cross their path and the claws will come out.

To be fair, they are very generous & kind hearted. They may put on a strong front but they are real softy on the inside. When they let their guard down, you can see their tender side...

Check out my Leo cat sister... such an angel
Before you go "ooohhhhhh..... sooooo cuuuute", let me tell you that I've got some serious scratches from her. MaMa will say its my fault for trying to "nip" at her, but I just wanted to play with her.

Let me take this chance to say Happy belated birthday to Aunty V (1st Aug), Sister Kayo (8th Aug), Aunty R (9th Aug) & MaMa (?? Aug). Please continue to love me even though I'm late & I may have gotten the dates all wrong. Ooops, and also to Joey & Tommy, may you receive more "balls" as your pressie.

Monday, August 14, 2006

I've also been tagged!!!

K, technically speaking I should start by explaining how this "tag business" work but I've decided otherwise.

I shall get into the game first... 5 wierd habits... here we go...

1. Make funny "growling" noise, that sounds more like gargling, when playing rough

2. I give MaMa & PaPa "love bites" when they come home from work. "Love bites" meaning I'll lightly bite their right arm.

3. In the middle of the night, I like to sleep with my head under MaMa's side of the bed but she can still see my body.

4. Loves to brush teeth cos I can eat up all the toothpaste... yummm...

5. I will stand very close to the elevator door, so close my nose is on the door. I just want to be the first to get out... kiah su (afraid to loose) ma...

K, so back to the rule of this game...
When one gets tagged, he/she will have to list 5 weird habits (eg as above). After which he/she will list 5 pals to be tagged. Comments will be left @ the pal's blog to say he/she has been tagged & to read the tagger's blog. Geddit? I was tagged by Herbie so U may want to read Herbie's explanation of this game if you are still "blur".

Now, my "taggies" will be Groovy, Sammy, Bogie, Patience & Millie...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Easy guess

Yes, you guessed it. We went to yet another Sentosa trip. This time, it was Joey & Tommy's birthday. I won't blog about the actual birthday event & let the birthday boys do the honours.

As usual, we started off with a dip in the sea then roll around in the sand. It was alot of fun. So much fun I couldn't contain my excitement and started running around like a little "lamb"...

As the sun started to set, it was time for some food. Before we got our paws & muzzle "dirty", MaMa attempted to capture what she thought was a "magical moment"...

Monday, August 07, 2006

I'm an Angel

A couple of weeks ago, during one of our walks around the park MaMa took a few pictures of me. The lighting was perfect and so was my neatly groomed fur.

Pretty pretty boy... hehehe...

MaMa started to get a little freaky with her shots. The "effect" of the pictures turned out great (by MaMa's standard)!!!

I feel like an Angel in heaven. The warmth of the sun felt wonderful.
Check out the "rainbow" at my feet!

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