
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Burpday part deux

Hi Hi ... It's Kaylie signing in again...

So guess what we had for din din after our late afternoon walkies!!!

ta da ...

It was yummy to the nth degree...

Guess what MaMa & PaPa had for their din din... (hint: It was a nice summer's day)

BINGO if you said BBQ sausages & chicken...

Yup, it looks quite pathetic on a big BBQ machine... hehehe... They were soooo greedy, they couldn't wait to take the "after" picture... *tsk tsk tsk

So while they were busy with the BBQ, we just hung out & chill. Why bother with BBQ when you can have the meat straight up, 'ya know what I'm say'in...

U can see that Jaffe wasn't very pleased with all the waiting. He was protesting the fact that we can only have our din din after MaMa & PaPa by giving the grumpy face. hehehe...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

It's my 2nd Burpday!!!

(Kaylie singing...)
It's my Burpday, and I'll burp if I want to
Bark if I want to
Barf if I want to
You would Beam too if it happened to you...

Thank you all for the well wishes. I had a wonderful day so far. Infact, it started off last night with a big yummy beef rib. I was too quick for MaMa to take a picture plus it was quite bloody.

We had a little bit of a sleep-in this morning (9.15am), which was perfect. After breakie, we went for a close to 2hrs discovery walk. We were quite beat by the time we got back & so we took a long afternoon nap, which brings me to now! hehehe...

Sorry buddies, I've got no pictures 'cos again, MaMa "forgot" the camera...

We gotta go for our walkies now & then din din... Have a fantastic din din everyone & a lovely Sunday ahead!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Walking down...

... to Chinatown...

It was about 30c last Thursday afternoon & we walked PaPa half way to his work before we headed off to Chinatown. Why Chinatown? Who cares, as long as we get to go for long walks!!!

MaMa made us "pose" near the building she went for Dim Sum...

Since she was at it, she took videos too... (listen out for the street car's "bellie horn")

This video is further along the street...

By the end of the 3.5hrs walk, we were beat! We had to jump straight into bed for a power snooze before our evening walkies in 2hrs. I was out to the world...

Kaylie was trying to cover her eyes from MaMa's flashing equipment...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Discovery walks

We had been on discovery walks a few times now. Each time MaMa will conveniently "forget" the camera. I don't know what got into her today, she actually had the camera with her.

Having said that, she didn't take very good pictures nor videos cos she had "too much to handle". Such big liar. All she had was my leash & a coffee cup. Anyway, we say something is better than nothing. First up is a video of us walking along the road. Notice the orange bus that pass, that's a school bus...

It was a sunny morning out, about 23c.
Finally we reached the part that we really like. It is much cooler in there...

We were busy looking for rodents, MaMa had to put the camera away so she could control us... bummer...
