
Monday, June 30, 2008

It was nice meeting you...

What a sunday we had. We woke up to some drizzling rain & so we cut short our walkies, logged on to the weekly dogs with blog chat party to bark hi. The most exciting event was meeting up with Momo & Pinot in the afternoon. The sky cleared up & the field was dry. What more can we ask.

We spotted Momo's family from afar & we were excited. Although MaMa warned us about behaving ourselves but we couldn't help ourselves. I, Jaffe, decided to play cool & took a quick sniff at Momo & Pinot while Kaylie took to some mini growling action. We were the best, although MaMa was less than please. No pictures at this point cos we made it impossible. ^5 to that.

We went down to the park & we get to run around. It was so hot & I was just happy to laze around. Momo was happy checking out the park...

& running (weeeeee.....)

MaMa managed to take a picture of her after she slowed down... (cute...)

Now, things didn't go very well interms of Pinot & Kaylie though. Pinot, who got a scare by a bigger dog before was a little barky & Kaylie being the little b**ch she is didn't show any tolerance for that. She started to growl & that got Pinot more "excited" & bark more. Before we all know it, there was a scruffle. I decided that it's a good chance to show my "doghood", so I joined in. PaPa stopped me while MaMa was trying to break Kaylie away from Pinot. Pinot's Dad, uncle R, decided to carry Pinot until we've all calmed down.
Doesn't he look cute even though he was quite upset with Kaylie?!

He then got to wander around a little & found a stick to chew on. He was happier then...

Just as Pinot was engrossed with his stick & Momo was "guarding" him, MaMa managed to snap a picture... very slick...

We had fun in the sun & we slept like babies afterwards. MaMa & PaPa really enjoyed chatting with Momo & Pinot's pawrents too, although I think they would much prefer to chat over coffee or a meal after what happened.

Overall it was a fantastic Sunday. A big bark to Momo, Pinot, Auntie J & Uncle R... It was really nice meeting all of you in dog & person. On behalf of Kaylie, a big sorry to Pinot. Hope you didn't get hurt.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Tourism - Good & Bad

Here's the thing... I know that Tourism is a big thing for the economy for most countries blah blah blah...

So Ma did her part for the economy yesterday by going to Niagara Falls. The most she put out was in the Casino... (roll eyes) She had mentioned to me that she blew 3 bags of my favourite yogurt biscuits on the slot machines. I'm quite p**sed with that to be honest. Here we were, left at home in the basement, waiting for her return while she gave biscuits away to a machine?! Doesn't unconditional love mean anything these days?!

The worst part was the fact that she had asked to post her stinky pictures on MY blog. I told her to get her own blog & she bribed me with beef rib for din din... bummer... (sorry buddies, I caved in. It's beef rib we are talking about here)
Now buddies, tell me how do I stick to my principles?!

So here we go with her pictures...
Niagra Falls on the USA side...

MaMa got really excited when she saw the rainbow!!!
Ok, she wants me to say that all the pictures hadn't been "photoshoped"... Really, who cares...

Then she went on the White Water Walk, she was a little dizzy from the walk cos she was afraid of the "forces" of the water.

Enough of the "touristy" stuff... I need to take a nice rest now cos we are meeting up with Momo & Pinot tomorrow!!! I KNOW!!! How exciting is that?! I can hardly contain meself!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Woof woof

Hi there buddies. Lazy MaMa finally got around to sorting the pictures we took at the Woofstock 2008 2 weeks ago.

We had soooo much fun at the event cos there were food, snacks, healthy slushies & everything you can dream of. MaMa was overwhelmed by the number of 2 legged & 4 legged, and also the heat that day. It was about 28c & the sun was out. It was HOT!

Anyways, here are the pictures PaPa took of Woofstock 2008!
First up is Front Street where the event was held.

Now look at the crowd!!! Notice the lady giving out free frozen yogurt!! It would have been perfect if I had one ALL BY MESELF but NOOOO I had to share one with Kaylie! Reason = Eating too much cold stuff will give me bad tummy???!!! How lame was that?! Ma, it's yogurt for barking out loud!!!

Some came all "geared up"...

Some came as they are...

Before we start making our way home, we stood around to watch the fashion show.
Can someone tell me where is the model?

We ended up with new beds & lotsa treats. We LOVE Woofstock!!!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


It was the perfect Weather, Walkies & Water. Simply wonderful.

The temperature on 25th May was just perfect. It ranges from 20c - 22c. The sky was blue & there was hardly any clouds. It was the start of Pedestrain Sundays to Kensington Market so guess what we did on this perfect day?!

We started our walk towards Kensington Market after our breakie. It must have taken us about 1.5hrs walking there but it was fun. Lotsa sniffing, marking, picking up junk from the ground.

ChinaTown on Spadina was on the way so MaMa took a quick picture while we were waiting for the lights...

2 blocks down & we were at Kensington Market...

We were just loving it & so does PaPa & MaMa...

We then took a street car down to The Beaches!!!
The number of people at The Beaches was just over the top but I don't blame them.
PaPa said it's water from the lake so we can drink from it, boy were we glad...
By the time we were home, our legs were like marshmallow...
