
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Boring week...

It's been raining raining quite a bit. We ended up staying at home most of the time. Only short walkie in the evenings. Night walkie were out of the picture cos it had been raining raining at night too.

Since there was no where to go, I snooze snooze most of the time...
Just as I was drifting off to dreamland, I can "see" the flashing light in my face. It was really annoying. I decided to show MaMa my annoyance by showing her the "corner of the eye" look...
She took the hint & focused her attention on the kitties...
You can imagine how bored we were now?!

Kaylie Kaylie signing off...

PS: Oops, forgot to mention my wound is about 75% healed. Hope there won't be any scarring.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I'm better now...

Hello all. Me, Kaylie, gets to blog again. I want to thank all of you for the concern, kisses & licks. I'm feeling better now. The JRT owner called MaMa & she is very apologetic for what happened.

2 days after the incident, my wound started to heal...
It looked pretty raw but improving.

Day 4, scab formed...

I had to wear the "cone" while MaMa & PaPa are at work & bedtime. MaMa said I can have it off as long as she is able to keep an eye on me. Little did she expect...
So we rough house, that's just what we do. Well, I have to admit that I instigated the whole play & so I paid for it. This is my wound after the "play"...

I had a ball of a time with Jaffe but MaMa was reasonably upset. I hope she won't make me wear the cone 24 7 until I recover. I promise to be good MaMa & I'll take my vitamin E to help the healing process. Sorry MaMa, I like rough housing.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

I screeched!!!

Hello there again... (sob...sob) This is Kaylie posting again. Today started off just perfect. It was sunny but not too warm. The park was semi dry so we could run around without getting too dirty to warrant a bath. We then went to the beach where we all chilled out.

By the time we were done @ the beach it was time for our late afternoon "run in the park" time! It sounded too good to be true! A whole day of fun fun & more fun!!! Unfortunately, it wasn't as fun as we all thought.

5mins into the park, mind you it was the park we visit EVERYDAY except rainy days, came a squeal & I was fighting with a JRT. Jaffe came over to give me a paw until MaMa & PaPa pulled us apart. I accidentally hurt PaPa a little during the process. They couldn't figure out why I was so peeved. They thought I had aggrevated the JRT but turned out, it was because she bit me! They didn't even realise I was bleeding until Jaffe walked to me & "pointed" out to them my bleeding wound. So I was the one who screeched 'cos of the bite!

Here's a picture...

We rushed to the vet & was told I can either just let it heal by itself but may take a long time cos of the deep gash or I can have it stitched up. MaMa is quite against putting me under GA unless absolutely necessary. She is so torn now cos she's afraid the wound may get infected & turn out to be worse but letting me go through GA just for 2 stitches just doesn't sit right with her. She will decide tmr morning depending on how the wound look.

She tried contacting the JRT owner but no response. I think the owner should know what kind of "damage" her dog is capable of & should keep a close eye when socialising it.

I gotta go take a rest now. The wound is still bleeding a bit, MaMa says I shouldn't be moving too much.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Hello hello... this is Kaylie posting. I want to start with a message to Jaffa. "Jaffa Jaffa, where are you? Are you alright? I miss you!" It's been almost 2 months since I last heard from Jaffa Jaffa. I hope he is doing fine & he will tell us what he's been up too soon.

Thur, 8th was a public holiday in Singapore so we braved the drizzle & headed down to the beach. It was quite gloomy & was still drizzling when we got there but it didn't stop us from having fun! The tide was high & we used up lots of energy swimming in the strong current.
Make a guess. Was I sleeping or caught rolling in the sand?!

PaPa threw a booboorang. It was suppose to come back but it was booboo so I had to go fetch it instead.

PaPa & MaMa came back with a huge box this afternoon. Jaffe & I were so excited to see it. Can you guess from the box what was in it?

Yeah!!! Xmas came early this year!!!Just look at what was in the box!!!

Unfortunately, MaMa said we can have them 1 month & 14 days later. Bummer...

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Not too ON for us...

We woke up with excitement knowing that we'll be going for the DASH in the afternoon. Check out the dogs & hoomans waiting around for the DASH to start!
We, on the other hand, like to check out where the treats are!
At 5pm sharp, we set off!!! ON ON every pup!!!

Just 5mins into the DASH, we got covered in burrs & it was nasty!!! MaMa & PaPa tried to get as much off our faces but there's no getting rid of them, it seems. We ran into the stream of water hoping to wash them off...

Although the burrs were still stuck to our fur, it didn't feel as itchy after the quick dip. The run had to go ON (no pun intended)... During the run, we took time to smell the grass?!

By the end of the DASH, MaMa's sneakers were filthy.

Overall, we had a fun day except the burrs. Burrs are not ON!!!
