
Thursday, July 26, 2007

Time's up & Burpday...

Remember I was talking about no treats for 5 years? I kept thinking, was MaMa talking hooman years, doggie years or GirlGirl years. "Doing time" was so tough. There was no treats, the weather was horrible, the path where we go for walkies was soaking wet. It was just miserable.

Just as I was about to sink into depression, MaMa brought back a bag of goodies...
I think MaMa was talking about 5 hooman DAYS! Thank goodness.

Wait, my turn to "speak". All the goodies are for ME! It is MY Burpday and all those things you see are MINE! Keep your stinky paws away from them!

What a bitch she has become. What's gonna happen when she turns 2, 3 ,4...

Ok, I'll let you take a picture with the goodies and have a bite of my dinner.

Instead of baking, MaMa got Kaylie a piece of oxtail for din din. I, too, got a piece. They are the yummiest!!!

After din din, MaMa made us take pictures with the loot before we can dig into them...

Since Kaylie is the Burpday Girl, she got to eat it first!

And finally, it was my turn!

The following pictures will tell you what happened after the biscuit...

Jaffe was just trying to make me look bad so please ignore him. I want to say "thank you" for all the well wishes. Licks Licks to you.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Shrooms & Coach

Hey there pals, it's been awhile since we got the use of the laptop. MaMa was either too lazy or going out too much. So today I issued her the ultimatum - either I get laptop time or I'll put some fang marks on your new bag. It wasn't a difficult choice so here I am.

Anyway, we have not been up to much. Just lazing around going for our usual walkies at night, meeting some friends at the park, run around a little & of 'cos power naps. On one of our walkies, I noticed some shrooms growing...
I'd like to think my pee pee contributed to it's growth. Now, I took a sniff at the shroom but it is no shitake & so I left it alone. Kaylie did the same & she too, didn't think too much of it. Only MaMa was facinated & kept trying to take pictures with her phone.

Now, I mentioned earlier about a new bag. MaMa had been busy shopping for bags, both in the shops & online. After much hunting, she came home on Friday with this...
She was smiling from ear to ear. I wasn't. She said I'll have to go without treats for the next 5years 'cos she just spent it on that bag. hmmmmph....

Saturday, July 14, 2007

We Rock!

Thank you Butchy & Snowball for awarding both of us with the Rockin' Blogger award. We are so honoured. I think MaMa will need to dehydrate some yummy treats in celebration!

So here I am, Jaffe, the Rockin' Guy Blogger...

Oh, me turn me turn. Kaylie Kaylie girl say thank you thank you. I Rock Rock!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Puppy no more...

MaMa was looking through all the pictures that she had taken of me when I was tiny. I've since grown ALOT!!!

This was me when I was a tinnie little puppy...

Then I was feather weight & last Saturday when I was at the vet, MaMa put me on the scale. I now weigh 7.3kg/16lbs!!! (Jaffe is now 7.5kg/16.5lbs) MaMa said I'm almost fully grown now. In 16days' time, I'll be a lady. I was so proud of myself; I decided to hunt down (actually killed) a rat yesterday; to show MaMa how capable I can be. She wasn't too impress cos she said rats are yucky & I shouldn't even think of holding them in my mouth. Ya whatever MaMa, don't be a whimp.

So there you go peeps, I'm a big girl now!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Kaylie Kaylie me me

Hello Hello everyone. I have good news!!! MaMa brought me to the vet vet yesterday for another scrappy. The vet vet said all the nasty mite mites are gone gone. No more eekky eekky mite mites on Kaylie Kaylie!!!

MaMa said all the yummy yummy pills helped kill the mite mites but I said Jaffa & Qila ate all of them!

Going to the vet vet made me tired tired so I took a nap nap with Jaffe...

Monday, July 02, 2007


Yet another weekend gone by. MaMa was quite busy with shopping. See, MaMa wanted to buy everything before the GST (Goods & Services Tax) increased & of course she had to wait till the last couple of days to do it.

Since Kaylie's vitamins will cost MaMa a bomb, so that was her first stop...
Yup, all the above are for Kaylie. MaMa said I can share a little with her & so can PaPa.

Then on Sunday, being a gorgeous sunny day, PaPa suggested going to East Coast Park together!!! I say yeah to going out & so did Kaylie, and out we went to get some Vitamin D. So here are some picutres we took.

After brunch, we went chilling by the beach...
