
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Pawty Pawty Pawty

It is the 1 year anniversary of DWB and Miss Sunshade had came up with the fantastic idea of a Wine, Cheese & Chat Pawty.

Of cos there were no wine, no cheese & so no pawty for us if MaMa didn't get her lazy a** to pick up some. And so off she went; but only at noon on Sat, when the whole of DWB were hitting the keypads for hours already...

So this was where PaPa & MaMa went to pick up the stuff...

It is a hypermart. There were tonnes of stuff there & we could only hope they zoom straight to the wine & cheese section...

They took the longest time out at the mall...

3 hours later, they came back with...

After all the picture taking, I said "cut the cheese up & let the pawty begin!"

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Alpha Intensive

No no no no no... It is not about me being the alpha, it is about this post being made up of words, words & more words.

See, it has been raining quite a bit where we are & it makes it impossible to take nice pictures.

Anyway, I've got a story to tell. I'll use a few pictures from the "archives" to "spice up" the story a little. And here's how it begins...

We set off to Chestnut Ave again yesterday afternoon. It started to rain before we even got there. Since it wasn't too heavy, we decided to still go on the hike. A third of the way we came to our favourtie spot...

We all enjoyed a quick dip. Then we heard our names being called. We got out of the water all ready to continue the exciting hike...

We started running ahead leading "the pack" as it were. MaMa started to call for us again cos she likes to "check" on us every so often to make sure we're keeping with the pack. That was when we noticed Jose was nowhere to be found. Aunty Y was worried but remained rather calm. We "combed" the surrounding area for close to half an hour, shouting out to Jose but still no sign of him. Aunty Y suggested one of us head back to the car while she continued her search around the water but MaMa knows better not to leave her alone there.

Then we lost PaPa as well!!! MaMa called out to him but there was no reply. He didn't tell us which way he was heading to look for Jose. By about 6.15pm MaMa had to make a decision. She told Aunty Y we should start heading to the car before it gets too dark & we all get lost in the woods.

As we headed along the path to the car we saw PaPa running with a "package" in his arm. It was Jose!!! PaPa found Jose en route to the car. Anuty Y was relieved, as you can imagine.

We can only guess that Jose had headed too far too quickly, lost sight of us & sorta lost his way. He must have used the scent that we left behind every so often to get back the path that leads us back to the car. He is a smart little terrior.

PaPa said Jose looked a little "shaken" when he found him. He was a little wary of PaPa as PaPa approached him. PaPa knew the only thing that could win him over were the yummy treats we brought along on each walk. And yes, PaPa was right, he ran to PaPa for the treats & the rest is history.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Teethies... a bunch of them

MaMa went to collect the long overdue teethie pendant. In my earlier post, I talked about MaMa collecting all our "milk teeth". She had been keeping them in a little container, until she saw in Butchy & Snicker's post about what their mommy did with theirs. MaMa made an attempt to do something herself but made a huge mess. Thank goodness she didn't ruin any of our teethies.

She finally admitted that she is not "artistically inclined" & so she asked for professional help. 3 weeks later, this is what she got...

PaPa & MaMa loved it, thought it's real cool. What do you think?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dirty but Happy

We went to the beach on Good Friday & on the Saturday, we went galavanting at this really cool place. We were there on our very first DASH back in Feburary. We loved it & so did Jose & Bond. Jose was really quick at posting the pictures unlike me cos MaMa only had her super slow phone camera that couldn't capture any of us in action fast enough.

I received the pictures taken by Jose's Dad, Uncle E, and after sorting them I'm ready to put them up. Thanks Uncle E.

So, no need for any more words. Just pictures, pictures, pictures...

Uncle E took a nice big shot of me coming out of the water...

1.5hrs later, we were all beat...

Kaylie was still busy making silly faces...

Saturday, April 07, 2007

It's time to the beach again!!!

We headed down to the beach yesterday. Yippee... It was bright & sunny, the water was perfect. Doggies everywhere too!!! MaMa didn't take too many pictures of us cos she was armed with only her mobile phone camera, which was no loss for us.

Anyway, MaMa went to get this Air Kong thingy for us to play at the beach...

See, none of us like to open our mouths in the sea so the toy was a no go. Alright, Kaylie gave it a go a couple of times but that's it.

Kaylie is a real water baby. She is always getting into the water...

Whereas Jose & I were busy chasing down other doggies & "sprinkling" water on Sunbathers. And then we all got really tired & decided to take a rest...
and a scratch...
I was all comfy when I heard my name called...

Now see, MaMa didn't have the "kick ass" camera so she took crappy shots of our top view...

Monday, April 02, 2007

On On, Chomp Chomp, Gone Gone

We had lotsa fun last Saturday. It was the 5th Anniversary Dog HASH. It started raining as we set off to the HASH "site" but the rain didn't dampen our spirits.

When we got there, it was not raining anymore but it was cloudy. We settled down for a quick group picture before we got all "Stinky" (no offense there Jaffa)...

After that we set off on our trail. So "On On" we went barking...

It started to pour 15mins after & we got drenched. Here we are at a circle check where everyone gets a breather & a swim...

After the "rest", actually I think the rest was more for the humans, we went On On again...

After 2hrs & about 8km later, we were close to our destination.

When we finally finish the "run", the humans were asked to change into their "anniversary" T for a group picture...

We got fed lamb ribs for din din. I was yummy yummy. We chomped it down in 15mins! Sorry no pictures cos MaMa didn't want to risk starting a dog fight over din din.

After din din, I went to check out the other dogs & also check if there were more treats. I saw a man with about 10 dog bowls filled with beer! OMDog, I had to go check the bowls out. That silly Kaylie was too stupid to notice it & she decided to take a nap.

I didn't want to rest till we finally got home. After our shower, we couldn't keep awake any longer. It was bedtime soon after we were dried. We were "gone" till Sunday morning...

MaMa is all happy she got a T-shirt & a doggie toy in the goodie bag. She even bought a skirt to complete the "HASH look"...

Do check out Jose's blog for more pictures...
