
Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I don't fancy playing with ball. I don't chase balls so don't even think about asking me to fetch one that U throw. Having said that, there is this one ball that I'll do almost anything for. The sound it makes; the way it bounces back with each bite I take, it gets me all excited.

Here's a "not so clear" video clip of me trying to kill it.

Then of 'cos Kaylie comes along & grab it away from me...

Notice in the video, there's also another yellow one. That was supposedly hers. Not only she took mine away, she made sure I didnt' take the yellow one from her.

She decided she should do some Dogga moves with the ball just to strengthen her front legs...

Sorry for the bad picture quality. MaMa couldn't figure out how to use the "night mode" thingy on her phone camera...

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Hot, Sunny & Yummy

It has been hot hot hot these few days. Some may say we are experiencing heatwave & boy does it make one sleepy. Since it was so sunny out, MaMa took us out to the park for a walk. Since she bought a new snazzy phone, she decided we should all post under the hot sun for a picture. I say "na, it's too hot. I'd rather be in the shade." Only silly Kaylie was left striking a pose...

After the walkie, we went back home for a afternoon siesta. JuJu decided she will join us too, on the cold kitchen floor. Ah... heaven...

Soon, it was time for dinner. MaMa decided that it was time Kaylie gets a lamb rib all by herself, so tada...

The slightly bigger one was mine, of cos.

Friday, March 23, 2007

A quick note

I've told MaMa to give me more blogging time but no no no... She is busy this busy that busy busy busy. Anyway, before she snatches the laptop away, let me quickly post pictures of our boring days...

Chilling with my cat sibling during the day when MaMa & PaPa are at work...

Snoozing after our din din...

Ok, to be fair to MaMa & PaPa, they did take us out for our walkies in the park first thing they get home.

Hope to get more "air" time soon...

Friday, March 16, 2007

.... Part 2

I'm sorry pals, MaMa bought a new phone over the weekend & since then she's been BZ fooling around with it. She was "ripping" some music to the phone so we couldn't get any blogging time. This "ripping" business is strange. I didn't see anything in shreds. She should have asked me to do it. I could have "ripped" everything in less than 5 mins. And it would all be in shreds!

Anyway, back to more pictures at the beach. I shall move on to indulge you with the pictures and here we go...

Since Jose totally lost focus & went running to bark at some dude on a dragon boat, we decided to go for a swim ourselves...

Oh, we almost forgot to mention Bond. Let's see... I wonder where he went...

Of cos, he was with his toy. I think I'll call him "Toy Boy" from now on.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

A day @ the beach - Part 1

We went to Sentosa Tanjong Beach again yesterday afternoon. We had loads of fun fun fun. PaPa decided to take a "head shot" of all of us in the water & compare who was more intimadating. So here goes...

Sunday, March 04, 2007


We went for a nice hike last Sunday. We set off at about 5pm.

We passed by a statue & Kaylie was all "angry" with it. She started barking at it...

Since we were all let "off leash", MaMa decided to practice our recall...
Although not everyone ran back like they were supposed to, all of us showed some kind of "attention" to the call.

Then we moved on to explore on our own...

We passed by a house with some dogs...

They were barking at us ever so loudly & Kaylie, being a show off, had to rub it in...
