
Monday, November 24, 2008

White virgins

As the snow on the ground melts away in the rain, I decided to browse through all the pictures we took from running around in the park. It was the very first time we ran around in a thin layer of snow. It was soooo much fun. We were busy eating the snow, yummmy... Being a virgin, I couldn't quite figure out where to poop. It was really tough to find the "right spot". Kaylie, on the other hand, had no problem. Not that she's been there or done that, she's just not very particular. Anyway, here are some of the pictures and I'm sure it's not hard to tell who had more fun...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Snowfall pictures part 2

Went out for our P&P regime before bedtime & the amount of snow made us all too excited. I managed a few pee (gotta "re-mark" my territory) but couldn't find a spot to poo. We were running around aimlessly cos we couldn't figure out where's the grass & where's the road or pavement...

Let it snow; let it snow; let it snow...

weeeeee... There's lotsa fluffy snow on the floor. It taste yummy... Mama took us to the park this even for a run cos it's finally bright enough with the snow on the ground. This is the first time we got to run in the snow! Real snow; snow that actually stays on the ground. Not the one we had a few weeks ago that disappear the moment it touches the ground.

Anyhow, Mama was too excited so she didn't have the camera with her. She decided to go out on her own after dropping us home. So here you go, pictures of the snow around our neighbourhood...

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

First Halloween in TO

It was our first Halloween in TO & we were quite excited. MaMa said kids who play dress up will get candies & I thought if I put up with wearing some sorta costume I'll get some cookies too.

Here we were feeling a little miserable with the "head gear"...
Yup, that was Kaylie trying to look scary. Didn't really work though.

Our kitty sissy had to rub it in by giving us the "you look ridiculous" check...

We could only hope that the humiliation would be rewarded with some really good cookies but... NOOOOOOO!!! There was only chocolate. We can't have chocolate! No more costume for me unless there's a big marrow bone as reward.
