
Saturday, October 25, 2008

MaMa's first hat!

So, as you know, MaMa took up knitting a couple of months back. She had knitted 3 scarves so far & she just completed her first hat! She is super excited about it.

The hat is actually a size too small cos MaMa is a very tight knitter, if it makes sense to any of you. It was suppose to be a watchcap but now she as to wear it as a beanie. Oh well, I just hope she doesn't get any idea about knitting us hats too!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Oct 21st

We woke up to a chilly chilly morning, went for our morning walk as usual. Didn't think too much about it except the sky was a little darker than usual & the wind was uncomfortable on the nose.

(Kaylie: Made my fur all messy... bleah)

By the afternoon, it started to drizzle. I hate drizzles cos MaMa won't let us run around in the park. You can tell I wasn't too pleased when she woke me up. JuJu, my kitty sissy, was a little annoyed too.

To my surprise, she said we could run wild in the park today! When we got to our usual park, there was tiny white stuff falling from the sky. It is different from the usual drizzle that we are use to. MaMa said it's our first "snow fall"!

We were sooooo excited we decided to celebrate it with a wild chase!

Kaylie wanted to celebrate with wild CHASES & she ended up chasing on her own. *eye roll

We met a few other doggies too but MaMa was busy keeping an eye on us socialising so she didn't take any videos. I figured you must be "video'd out" by now anyway.

So there you go, our first "snow fall".

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Great Escape

It's been a long long time since I last touched my blog. I can't begin to say how sorry I am. MaMa is not really helpful with the situation. She's still busy with learning knitting. 3 scarves so far & next in line is a hat. I don't know why she can't just go to the store to get one for 5 bucks!

Anyway, nothing interesting so far except that our kitty sissy decided to be an outdoor cat! She got jealous with the fact that we get to pick up coffee with MaMa & PaPa in the morning so she sneaked out just to go with us!

We took some pictures of the colorful trees around our neighbourhood too!

We go for 3hrs walk on weekend mornings. Will post more pictures on the next post!
