
Friday, September 26, 2008


As the leaves on the trees start to change colour, we sit back & remember all the "firsts" over the past 5 months...

We came to Toronto, Canada on the 29th April. Since than we celebrated MY burpday in May, PaPa's burpday in June, Kaylie's burpday in July, MaMa's burpday in August & 9th wedding anniversary in Sept. A very busy 5 months. All these parties; so tiring.

Nevermind all the celebrations, what about the weather?! Oh my goodness, where do I begin... We arrived to a wet & chilly Spring, we then had wet & tempermental Summer. Autumn is finally here, love it. Plenty of sun so far, it's fantastic!

I shall now leave you with the secret to a long lasting marriage...

Yup, that's the house rule. One dictates & the other listens blindly.

Happy Anniversary PaPa & MaMa...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's done!!!

While MaMa kept busy playing with chopsticks, I decided to take her shawl; lay it down on the cold floor & take a nap. Kaylie on the other hand amused herself with a little nyla bone...
What do you think, I look good in red eh?!

As the weather gets colder by the day, MaMa was a busy bee trying to finish her very first scarf! Today, at 11pm, we proudly present the end product... ta da...
Closer look at the details...

Yes, it is "bi-color". Why the choice of colors?! 3 reasons, she said. 1. It is Xmas colors. 2. She thinks she looks real good in all shades of red & contrary to popular belief; she does like green. (only in this shade thou). Last but not least, PaPa bought like a million green sweaters so MaMa can "match" him. WHATEVER!!!
