
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thanks but NO THANKS

Hi there pals,

MaMa had been neglecting our blog. She was busy playing with chopsticks & awful tasting noodles. We sat around patiently & asked if we could join in the fun but MaMa said it was not a game, it's "work". Being good little buddies, we had offered to help so she could finish up & attend to our blog sooner. Again, she politely turn down our offer.

While MaMa was out today, we thought we'll give her a surprise & finish up her work. We had to use our mouth; since we don't have opposable thumbs & it proved to be too challenging. We gave up & took a nice afternoon nap instead.

MaMa came back to this...
MaMa wasn't too happy with what we did. She was hoping beyond hope that the chopsticks were still usable...

Ooops, guess not...

Oh well... So, can we go to the park now?!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Let's bite the bullet...

We "bite" the bullet last weekend to HarbourFront. The bullet was really fast at getting us to our destination. We got a shot of the bullet coming at us...

Ok ok, bite, ride... geddit?! Same same but different...

We were gonna take the ferry to Centre Island but there were about a million people wanting to do the same thing. So we ended up just walking on the boardwalk which was just as fun. There were alot of people just chilling out, having a picnic, reading a book. The sky was clear & the sun feels good with the breeze in our face.
MaMa took some random pictures as we walked along...

We walked further along & we reached the famous CN Tower. Unfortunately, the cute lady at the entrance said "Buddies are not allowed, sorry." So we just took a picture of it.
That was pretty much it for us. Being in the sun was great but it was kinda eating into our nap time.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Nice walkies...

We went on a nice walkie on the Discovery trail again. PaPa said we should try to cover all the different path, which suits us just fine.

MaMa remembered her camera this time & she took some random shots during our walks, which also include a couple of rather shaky video. So pop some of those "sea sick" pills before you play them.

Let's ease in with the pictures...
There was this stream that runs in the ravine which I swear the water would be perfect for us but MaMa said no... spoil spot...

Here's a picture of the view during our walk. Bright sunny day...

On the way back home, we walked down on Mt Pleasant & we saw this "bush" with lotsa bees. MaMa attempted to take a picture of them but failed miserably, obviously. Let's see if you can spot any bee on this picture...

Here's the videos of us just tracking along...

There were quite a few joggers on the trail.

Hope all of you had a good weekend. It's Civic Day in Canada tmr & I wonder where would MaMa & PaPa bring us. I better go rest up now just incase.
