
Friday, May 23, 2008

Walk to PaPa's work

Hey there pals, we're back online again! Our connection is kinda iffy at times & posting is made that much more challenging. I've missed the Sunday chats for too long now, I gotta try & make it this Sunday.

Anyhow, I thought I'll quickly share with all of you pictures of downtown. These pictures were taken on our walk home after walking PaPa to work on a gorgeous sunny 18c day. Yup, U read right, 18c is WARM!!! Talk about adapting quickly, eh?!

So here are the pictures...

Here we were just chilling, enjoying the sun just outside of PaPa's work.

The most torturous thing though was this slush van right infront of us & MaMa refuse to get us any!

And so off we go, heading back home along Front Street towards Yonge.
Then there's this HUGE mall, almost like Takashimaya in Singapore, called the Eaton Centre. MaMa swears she will "conquer" the mall one day, whatever that means.

We took a ride once on the TTC, which is the subway here. Then we hopped on the street car! We didn't quite know what to make of this experience, it was strange.

The street car stops just around our favourite shop. It was just perfect.

Another strange thing I find here is the "non-beeping" lights. I much prefer the beeping one in Singapore cos that was our "Q" to cross the road. MaMa says we'll need to learn how to "read" from now on... bummer...

We were poop'd by the time we got home. We took a 2.5hr power nap & off to the park again!!! That's a dog's life for you!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's my Burpday!!!

Hi all, thank you for all the burpday wishes!

MaMa & PaPa didn't have time to throw a big bash for me but I got some yummy beef liver treats! No pictures thou, unfortunately, MaMa is not very organised as yet. Wow, first burpday in a foreign land. It's sooooo surreal....

PaPa got someone to rip out the old carpet & lay down some laminate floor. I guess that's his burpday gift for me. It's gonna feel just like our "home" again. Actually, I do kinda miss sliding on the slippery laminate floor. wheeeeeee......

I'll leave you with some pictures of me at the Riverdale Park...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

In search of the perfect park

Hello all, I know I know, I need to update more frequently. I'm trying my very best to get MaMa on top of it.

So, first thing first, I gotta make sure I find a big park for us to hang out & guess what?! There's this HUGE park just minutes from our rental.

We met quite a few new friends & we engaged in a good game of chase.

Kaylie wasn't very sure of the bigger dogs so she stuck really close to MaMa alot of the times. I'm sure she'll come around real fast & be the rascal she is. Suits me just fine cos I'm quite tired of babysitting.

The weather report says we're gonna have the sun shinning brightly for us tmr. It'll be 18c which is perfect for MaMa to walk around in shorts & T again. She's been complaining about not being able to show off her nicely pedicured toes!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Hello from Toronto!!!

Hey there buddies, the family arrived in Toronto safe & sound. The flight was LOOOOONG!!! We didn't really appreciate the time in the crate & the noise of the airplane engine. We were SOOOOO excited to finally see Ma & Pa at the luggage belt.

So, do we enjoy where we are so far? hmmmm... yes & no really. The fun part is the "everything new" & the not so nice part is also the "everything new". While enjoying the new things; we do miss the "old stuff" we left behind. We are feeling a little insecure in the new place when Ma & Pa have to leave us to run errands. Guess we'll eventually get into a routine.

Now, the weather here... What can we say... From the sunny Stinkapaw to cold cold Turdontoe. This cold weather makes us hungry all the time! We swear the pigeons in the parks look soooooo yummilicious! Oh, and the squirrels, we will get our paws on them some day.

Anyhow, Ma didn't get around to taking much pictures so far. We have a couple shot from a park near our rental...

Look at Ma, she's all bundled up! Brrrrrr... The girls are complaining about having limp hair, the boys are saying more budget for beer.

Anyhow, we were looking at some pictures we took on our last visit to Sentosa & boy do we miss it...

That's all for now folks. We want to thank all of you for the well wishes & prayers. Missing our friends...
