
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Confirmation & Conformation

After waiting 18hrs, we finally got a confirmation on our flight status. YES, we got our wings! The airline confirmed that we are all (kitty sissies included of cos) able to fly on Cargo Hold with MaMa & PaPa on the 28th April 2008! It is now official.

There are too many conformations we had to follow for this move. From getting shots even when we don't need them, staying in a crate when we can behave ourselves perfectly well, no access to food 12hrs before flight and the list goes on. It's just too daunting for free-spirited creatures like us. The hoomans just don't get it, do they.

Anyway, THE CRATE arrived yesterday. What do you think? Quite spiffy eh?!

MaMa wanted us to chew on our mutton bones in it. I don't think I will ever get use to this. I was dying to get out of the crate so I can truly enjoy my bone. Look at how uncomfortable I am.

Ditzy Kaylie, on the other hand, was making herself quite comfortable within seconds. Just look at her... What can I say...

We are glad that things are starting to fall into place. Paws crossed buddies, 'cos there's still lots that needs to happen.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Ahhhh.... the sun....

Boy, did we wait long enough for sunny weather. It had been raining everyday for almost 2 weeks now. It was miserable as you can imagine & we were bored to tears. Almost going insane from zero socialisation. Walkies were pathetic since it was mostly in the drizzle for 5-10mins before it starts to pour again.

So today, we woke up to sunny weather. We went trotting towards the dog run hoping to meet some friends. First thing first, Kaylie had to take a long pee...
Followed by a "25 seconds small dump"...
Please ignore the little tune that Ma came up with for Kaylie's poo routine. She too was going coo coo from all the rain.

I, being the smart one, decided to hold my business until I reach the dog run. That's the only way I can get away from Ma's evil camera.
Argh!!! She out smart me! There you have it, my "10 seconds small dump".

Let's move on to the socialising part of the morning. As expected, there were quite a few dogs at the park today. I had a little "stare down" with a Cockle Spaniel while Kaylie was busy being herself.

Overall it was a great morning. Lotsa sun & lotsa fun. I'll leave you with 2 more pictures...
