
Sunday, August 09, 2009

Kaylie's 3

It was Kaylie's 3rd birthday 2 sundays ago. It was raining on & off; so we didn't get to do much except going to the pet shop to get some treats & a new toy for her. Good enough for us.

Kaylie had to pose behind her "presents" before we get to bring it home. After numerous shots, she finally gave a good one.

MaMa made her share some of her treats but the new cuz was hers.

She managed to "kill" it within 3mins...

She had since abandoned the new cuz but is still loving the old messed up one we found at the park.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Woof to Woofstock '09

It's been 2 months since I last posted. Not much happened except we went to Woofstock '09 on 13th June & also shopping around for a more permanent home in TO.

We had lotsa fun at Woofstock. MaMa & PaPa decided to be on a quest to take pictures of us with our "cousins". We were made to sit almost all the JRTs / PRTs that we met on the way. There were no sense of priorities. Although interrupted by the picture taking; we managed to sniff out all the free sample treats. We had so much to eat we were almost too full for dinner. Here are some of the pictures we took...

We also took shots of a couple of fashion divas...

Till the next time, enjoy the rest of summer every pawfriends...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm 5

Yes, I'm 5. Happy Birthday to me! Thank you for all the well wishes.

I didn't do anything special today but I got to make a trip to my FAVOURITEST place! I got to pick out my own pressies!!! How wild is that?! Here's the loot...

I think I did pretty well. MaMa had to stop me before I broke the bank. After posing for a million pictures, I finally get to eat the little sausage thingy!

I shared a few bites with Kaylie too, not by choice thou...

Saturday, April 25, 2009


We did the unthinkable (AGAIN!) a couple of days ago. Remember I was saying about MaMa's new knitting hobby?! We decided to join in the fun... Yep, the last time we were just checking it out trying to help but this time we want to be in the club!
First we thought we should make sure we have enough yarn...
Then let's see if we need new needles...
When MaMa got home, she weren't happy at all. She charged us with "murder of the 1st degree"! We pleaded "not guilty", of cos... then this song started ringing in my head...

And the judge and the jury they all put the blame on me
They wouldn't go for my story
they wouldn't hear my plea.

Kaylie & I took turn making faces...
U can imagine after sticking our tongues at MaMa, there was no mercy with the "sentance". We were to be stripped immediately & no treats for a day. So now we are just 2 hungry furless dogs.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Just chillin & dodging the bullet

Hey there buddies, since the last post, we've had a couple of days with tinnie snow flurries. I guess it was ok since it's either snow flurries or spring showers, which is what we're having for the next couple of days.

We had some beautiful weather last week. Bright sunshine & relatively warm weather. We went on our usual walkies in the ravine in the morning & hanging out a little at the park; chillin. Nothing out of the ordinary.

MaMa had been "threatening" to strip us down to our "summer coat" cos we are starting to pant alot on our walkies. Kaylie is worse since she pants into MaMa's face at night & it drives MaMa crazy. The chilly spring showers for the next couple of days saves us from the "torture". I wonder how can we keep dodging the bullet.

Mama had been very busy knitting up a storm as BD gifts. She finished her very first "lace pattern" shawl...

And also her very first "Baby dress" ...

What do ya think? I know alot of hoomans were pretty impressed with her work. My only focus is to make sure she keeps knitting for other & will eventually forget about my sweater. *paws crossed...

I shall remind you of my handsome good looks before all the fur goes "aflying"...

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Spring back to life!!!

Can you smell it? Can you feel it? Everything sprung to life in just the pass 1 week. We can smell the grass in the field & feel "warmth" in the air.

We went to check out the Maple Festival last Sat. It was a beautiful day to be out exploring. An interesting outting calls for some interesting pictures & here we go...

We only got to lick the empty sample cup once cos the maple syrup was too sweet for us, according to MaMa. We are still hoping for Maple syrup drizzled pancake for breakfast. paws crossed...

Friday, March 06, 2009

Spring is in the air...

Hi pals, sorry we hvn't been updating. I'm finally getting over the humiliation of our Valentine's Day "outfit".

We have been hibernating quite a bit due to the cold but it's been really nice today. 6th May, it almost feels like Spring. There's spring in our steps when we went for our walkies in the 15c weather.

Although I'm starting to miss the snow... ah, good times...

MaMa took some time to knit a scarf for PaPa. It was meant to be a present for Valentine's day but she took longer than expected.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day...

Happy Valentine's Day every 4 paws & 2 legged.

The mystery of yesterday's post is "solved". It had an unfortunate ending, in my opinion...

Yup, it ended up on us. Why didn't I see it coming is beyond me, not the first time this happened.

Before the "final shot" was done we did give a little "attitude" to show our displeasure...

Ok MaMa & PaPa, we hope you had fun. There, Happy Valentine's Day. Your turn to show us some love now, fetch us some treats & prepare our dinner.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What does all this mean?

We were showered...

Then MaMa went out & came back with...

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

"Culture" shock...

What can I say. There's the weather, there's the outfits & there's the sports...

I think we are coping with the change of seasons pretty well. There's the rain & then there's the snow, not very hard - so we thought. When we arrived back in May 08, it was raining pretty much everyday & temperature about 10c to 14c. We have rain in Singapore but here a raincoat is necessary. It is brrrrrr being wet. The rain continued with the temperature rising & so we had to be stripped. I don't know which is worse, to wear "flashy" (MaMa likes bright colors on us. *eye roll) outfits or to be bald.

The rain continued & the temperature began to fall again. Our fur started to really grow & we were looking quite "fuzzy". We were made to put on flashy outfits again. The temperature started to drop even further & now we are talking BELOW ZERO! More flashy outfits came popping out of the closet!

Here's us on "snowing days"...

Here's us when the temperature drops to -14c, with windchill of -28c...

As you can tell from the pictures that I'm not very happy with having to play dress up. I feel ridiculous. Talking about ridiculous, it was groundhog day on the 2nd Feb. According to this cute little "friend", we're gonna have another 6 weeks of winter. No offense but isn't it strange to be relying on the shadow of a groundhog when we have all the advance technology that supposedly tracks all the weather pattern? Why the shadow of groundhog? What about shadow of us! Gee, we are out at least twice a day & we can sit, stand or lay down for you to "study" our shadow for higher accuracy. Sorry I digress.

Now sports... hmmm... Super Bowl... MaMa & PaPa tried to stay up watching the 4.5hr game but only managed the last quarter. Yup, the last 15mins of the game. It was really exciting, MaMa & PaPa were on the edge of the couch as the referee watched the replay; trying to decide if both feet of the player were in & if he had full "control" of the pig skin. Question: How does a 1hr game turn into 4.5hr? We think the "Doggie Bowl" on Animal Planet is way more fun to watch. That's just us.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Year of the Ox

We want to give a shout out to all our Chinese pals, "Gong Xi Fa Cai, Wan Shi Ru Yi".

A quick update - We are finally in our new digs! Loving it so far. Reminds us of our apartment back in Singapore except it's less than 1/2 the size. That's alright cos we love snoozing when MaMa & PaPa are out during the day.

The weather past couple of days are slightly milder, staying between -9c to -13c (9F to 16F) so we get to check out our new park hangout. MaMa stood in the middle of the fenced up dog park & took a couple of pictures. The picture on the right shows a smaller area for tinnie dogs who don't appreciate bigger dogs.

We sorta went around to say hi...
The most exciting part of the visit was when we spotted a squirrel on the tree in the tinnie dog area!!!
We were just trying to tell the squirrel to find it's own playground!!!

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